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》Conceptual reorganization
       The Chinese naming of the research topic is really not easy for us;
After discussing with the language teacher, the name of 「龍驤蘆荻-有榕乃大」 was decided for the research content and the local characteristics專題研究定名.

        In the English version of the translation work, the name of the study is named after the hometown and the tree; We hope to highlight the feelings of our hometown and the glory of the banyan tree.

       We hope that through the old banyan tree, like the guardian's perseverance and the spiritual symbol in the locality, It is express our recognition and enthusiasm for our hometown!      
》Thanks for
       The whole process of research and production is not very smooth. In many aspects, the ability, skills, etc. are mostly inexperienced or very unfamiliar. Therefore, our instructors have a headache at the beginning, thanks to the school. A strong team of teachers to complete our research

       Of course, the most important thing is to accept the interviews, filming and disturbing of the ChuTang villagers during the research and production process.Here, the "Beauty of the Ficus" team has paid the highest respect to all of our friends.

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Guidance by Principal
(Source: Self-shooting)
Discussion silhouette
(Source: Self-shooting)
Discussion silhouette
(Source: Self-shooting)

2019 彰化縣立竹塘國中 ChuTang Junior High School
 龍驤蘆荻 有榕乃大 My hometown,My tree