專題首頁      細說從榕      研究背景      有榕乃大      吾話吾鄉      體驗過程      網站導覽      專題簡報
》Our team-「The beauty of Ficus
       In the process of doing the project and the website, each member not only plays an important role but be a good partner for cooperative learning!...
洪國宸  廖偉辰 
李睿宬  陳鉦哲 
李青蓉  謝凱庭 
王雅蕾 榕樹之美小隊團照 
Our team-「The beauty of Ficus」
》Special thanks - Partner
        Partners who help with translation work when participating in international competitions. We are grateful for this...
許庭語          蒲彥廷          許宇婕

2019 彰化縣立竹塘國中 ChuTang Junior High School
 龍驤蘆荻 有榕乃大  My hometown,My tree