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Giant eucalyptus     九龍大榕公   榕的傳人   欣欣向榕
》Growing up
       Story from the river of mothers in Taiwan ─ 「Zhuoshuixi River」...speak slowly...

        After passing through the Xiluo Bridge in Yunlin County, the Zhuoshuixi River has a wide riverbed, accumulating a vast fertile plain, and ChuTang Township is here. The ChuTang Township, which is mainly farming,  The fruits、vegetables and rice construction constitute this beautiful rural landscape.九龍大榕公

       "Jiulong Dashugong" is located not far from the north bank of the lower reaches of the Xiluo Bridge. It is a long-lasting branch that grows very large and allows people to stand up and look forward to the century-old banyan tree.

       Tracing back to the history of this century-old banyan tree, it was originally a ficus stem that floated from the upper reaches, but it was rooted and sprouted here. The trunk of the old banyan tree began to be divided into dozens of branches from the roots and extended to the square, flat on the ground. After rooting, the branches and leaves proliferated. Later, the branches formed a green giant umbrella-shaped tree, which became a beautiful landmark of the Zhuoshuixi River and the pride of the Zhuoshuixi River.

       Before the Xiluo Bridge was built, the villagers of ChuTang often had to go to Xiluo town, and they had to wading through the river. Most of the cultivated land of the residents was on the south side of the running water area, and they also needed water for farming. Where the stream flows through, the footprints are flooded, so it is necessary to find a significant goal on the shore, so as not to misunderstand the depth of the water, and the big banyan tree is an important target for guarding the peaceful return of the villagers at that time, just like guiding the villagers. The signal to return home is average.      
       When the group visited the "Jiulong Dashugong", there was a "old Ficus documentary" on the entrance to the park ...      

       「The plant "Laogong" is located in the river bed of the turbid water levee of Guangming Road, Tiantou Village. The turbid water stream is entered by the Sijhou countryside and flows through the east-west direction of ChuTang Township. The tree height is about 22 meters and the breast diameter is 3.5 meters. The crown of the tree is about 8,000 square meters. According to the local old man, the age of the tree is about one hundred years.
       The trunks of "Laogong(老榕公)" are drooping and intertwined. They are stretched to the sides, close to the ground, and are shaped like vines. The branches and leaves flourish and grow up. The whole tree forms a green giant umbrella. The early growth of "Laogong" is in the face of the turbid water stream. The impact, the struggle for survival, and the formation of a natural green castle, is indeed a very special landscape. 』(September,2008)

       At the end of the seventy years of the R.O.C, some farmers arranged a space for rest in the surrounding area. In the summer, despite the violent sun, the big banyan tree always provides the best place for farmers to rest and cool. About 1991, "Dashugong" continued to spread its enthusiasm. The villagers began to realize that the big tree on the beautiful side of the turbid water stream would be an important asset of ChuTang. So they organized a management committee and called for volunteers to organize the environment. Reported by the newspaper media, the reputation and strange scene of the big banyan tree gradually spread.

        According to the story described by the villagers and the old man, after the construction of the environment by Mr. Zhang,Shun-zhu, the Yunlin people, the environmental and traffic lines were more convenient.
Under the banyan tree, many gods of Taiwanese religious beliefs are also sacrificed.

大榕公-三聖佛祖 大榕公 廖竹車千歲
San Sheng Buddhas
(Source: Self-shooting)
Jiulong Dashugong 
(Source: Self-shooting)
Liao zhu che Temple
(Source: Self-shooting)

       Later, when the villagers cleared the branches of the "Laogong" , they burned the leaves on the spot and accidentally burned them to the trunk of the banyan tree. After the fire was extinguished, Forming a strange shape like a dragon and a horse's head. Since the nine branches were derived from the roots, the management committee named it "Jiulong Dalongong".

    Under the government's emphasis on local construction and development, "Jiulong Dalongong" has now been promoted from a local community park to a nationally renowned tourist attraction.
》Park Planning
       Under the ChuTang Township Office and the local people actively strive for the construction fund to the Changhua County Government, the overall planning of the park is gradually improving. The distribution of facilities in the park is shown in the following figure:

》The beauty of the tree
        According to the records of related books and websites, the canopy growth area of "Jiulong DaShugong" ranges from 2400 to 8000 square meters. The information published by the Changhua County Government on the official website states that the crown of the "DaShugong" is larger than The total area above one hectare (3025 square meters).

       Therefore, under the advice and guidance of the principal, the Google Map is used as a measurement tool to measure the satellite image area of the park; after the software calculation, the total growth area of the "Dashugong" is: 4751.27 square meters, while considering Dashugong's current healthy and viable "Aerial root" performance, the actual land occupation may be wider.

       If "Jiulong Dashugong" is the title of "The widest ficus tree" in the country, it is truly true. In the following, the area of the "Jiulong Dashugong" is compared with the area of the famous scenic spot "Tongliang Gu Rong(通樑古榕)" in Penghu County:
九龍大榕公面積測量 通樑古榕總面積
「Jiulong Dashugong」:4751.27 Square meter 「Tongliang Gu Rong」:2063.67 Square meter

       The park store boss Aunt Cai told us that after the began doing business in 2004, the ficus tree still grows with branches and leaves. Aunt Cai took us to explore the cement pillars that were built to support the ficus tree when the park was built. The research team gave the most surprise and admiration for the endless growth of "Jiulong Dashugong".
大榕公舊支柱  大榕公新支柱 
Early support pillar (Source: Self-shooting) New support pillar (Source: Self-shooting)  
》Park silhouette
大榕公一隅  大榕公一隅  大榕公一隅 
The corner of park (Source: Self-shooting) The corner of park (Source: Self-shooting) The corner of park (Source: Self-shooting)
枝葉特寫  橋墩一隅  橋墩一隅 
Ficus leave(Source: Self-shooting)  RuYi Bridge (Source: Self-shooting)   Jiulong Pool-Guanyinl (Source: Self-shooting)
橋墩一隅  橋墩一隅  橋墩一隅 
Jiulong Pool (Source: Self-shooting) The corner of park (Source: Self-shooting) RuYi Bridge (Source: Self-shooting)
橋墩一隅  橋墩一隅  橋墩一隅
Ficus root-Horse(Source: Self-shooting)     Ficus root(Source: Self-shooting)    Ficus root-Dragon(Source: Self-shooting)   
橋墩一隅  橋墩一隅 橋墩一隅 
Surrounding scene-HSR (Source: Self-shooting)   The corner of park (Source: Self-shooting)   Jiulong Pool (Source: Self-shooting)
橋墩一隅  橋墩一隅  橋墩一隅 
Liao zhu che Temple (Source: Self-shooting)   Stadium (Source: Self-shooting)    Liao zhu che Temple (Source: Self-shooting)

2019 彰化縣立竹塘國中 ChuTang Junior High School
 龍驤蘆荻 有榕乃大 My hometown,My tree