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Giant eucalyptus     九龍大榕公   榕的傳人   欣欣向榕  
        Ficus is an evergreen tree distributed in Taiwan's flat land and low-altitude mountains. It is native to India, Malaysia, Australia, China, Japan, Ryukyu, Taiwan...etc. The following is a summary of the types of eucalyptus that are common throughout Taiwan, starting with the category of "Jiulong Dashugong".
※Species classification of eucalyptus:         
Jiulong Dashugong Species classification
Jiulong Dashugong Species classification  
(Source: Self-shooting)
》We are the world
        There are currently about 48 species of Ficus species currently distributed in Taiwan; The common eucalyptus species are provided below for readers' reference.
雀榕 黃毛榕 厚葉榕
Ficus caulocarpa(雀榕)
Ficus esquiroliana(黃毛榕)
Ficus microcarpa(厚葉榕)
蘭嶼落葉榕 綠島榕 白肉榕
Ficus ruficaulis(蘭嶼落葉榕)
Ficus pubinervis(綠島榕)
Ficus virgata(白肉榕)
菩提樹  琴葉榕  垂榕 
Ficus religiosa(菩提樹)
Ficus pandurata Hance(琴葉榕)
Ficus benjamin(垂榕)
牛奶榕  小葉榕  鵝鑾鼻藤榕 
Ficus erecta(牛奶榕)
Ficus microcarpa(小葉榕)
Ficus pedunculosa(鵝鑾鼻藤榕)

2019 彰化縣立竹塘國中 ChuTang Junior High School
 龍驤蘆荻 有榕乃大 My hometown,My tree