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Discover ChuTang     深耕竹塘   胸有成竹
》Lead the way - Bibliography
       At the beginning of the field research, Mr. Zhan,Ren-zhi recommended to the group members, such a book dedicated to the introduction of ChuTang Township: "Shen Geng ChuTang(深耕竹塘)"; The author, Mr. Hong,Chang-Yuan, is not only the director of the Personnel Office of the“ChuTang Township Office”, but also a famous reporter and prose writer in various towns and towns in Changhua County. If you want to visit ChuTang Town, after reading this book, we believe that there will be more understanding of ChuTang Township. The following is a brief introduction by the author Mr. Hong,Chang-Yuan.
》About the Author
Changhua County, Taiwan Province, 1989,Personnel administration college entrance examination pass, The current director of the Personnel Office of the ChuTang Township Office.
洪長源 ※Pseudonym:Siyuan(思源)。
※Literary style:Porse、Reportage literature。
※Literary achievement:Taiwan Provincial Press Office, various essay awards、Huang Xi(磺溪)Literary Award。
※Important works:
<大地的眼睛>、<土人厝歷史風情>、<二林蔗農事件>、<哭泣的濁水溪>、<大家來寫村史>、<Shen Geng ChuTang(深耕竹塘)>...等。
Hong,Chang-Yuan(洪長源) Shen Geng ChuTang(深耕竹塘)

        In the "Shen Geng ChuTang" book describing the nature of ChuTang Township, a total of six chapters were planned, They are: 1. Construction history, 2. the origin and characteristics of each village, 3. nostalgia, 4. religious beliefs, 5. government schools, 6. characters;Each chapter leads the reader to integrate into the leisure and beauty of the ChuTang.

      The author has invested in local grassroots public service units for many years, have a deep feeling for ChuTang;Therefore, the author describes the touching impression of ChuTang in the book...
      鄉間一隅 After Taiwan entered the mid-seventies, Business and industry drive the period of economic growth, The vast green fields have turned into cement jungles, the living space has become narrow, and the sense of oppression has also been on the side. When the social environment is facing the thorny issues of environmental protection, transportation, education, quality of life, etc., Rustic ChuTang, Just as a buffer for these modern development issues.

       If you are tired to see of the cold and complicated urban jungle, Let's go to ChuTang to enjoy the verdant pastoral and simple rural style. Going out of the city and stepping on a bicycle, no matter what kinds of the way, you can walk in the rural fields of ChuTang, and your mood will be clear and no pressure.
》Easy travel in ChuTang
       The research team is based on the "Jiulong Dashugonog" in ChuTang Township. It collects characteristic landscapes and cultural sites around the city and plans recommended routes suitable for easy travel. No matter how you can use it as a reference, you can see the scenery of ChuTang. .

※Recommended trip:
》Media documentary
        "Jiulong Dashugong" as early as all the divisions assisted in the construction, and the Changhua County Government allocated NTD.5 million to actively promote the "ChuTang Township Tiantou Village Dabanshu Sightseeing and Recreation Area(竹塘鄉田頭村大榕樹觀光休閒區)" development plan, because of the amazing landscape of "Dashugong", since 2001 From the beginning of the year, you can glimpse its report in the newspaper. In the greening plan of the township community of the Changhua County Government, as well as the river remediation plan and tourism promotion and marketing, we look forward to enhancing the tourism value of the whole Changhua County through the power of the media.

              This time, we are also adhering to such a passion and expectation for the local community. We hope that through the convenience of information technology, more tourists will be able to visit the "Jiulong Dashugong"、 ChuTang Township and even other townships of Changhua County, there will be more gains.      
Sunshine Changhua(陽光彰化) 2008-11
Changhua County Government official website)
》Media Bibliography
※The following is the relevant information of "Jiulong Dashugong", for your reference:
》獨木成林竹塘百歲榕樹 蔽天3000坪 盤根錯節 被封「九龍大榕公」 蚊蟲少 樹蔭涼 遮蔽整個堤防 像把大綠傘《聯合報.凌筠婷》2013-10-29
》獨木可成林 奇樹顯神威 竹塘鄉老榕公的傳《陽光彰化,第十一期.彰化縣政府》2008-11
》鄉野傳奇 同奉廖千歲 兩小廟分家 相距10米《聯合報.江健男》2008-08-17
》「村長帶路」田頭村 蔡啟瑞 九龍大榕公 人間桃花源《聯合報.江健男》2008-08-12
》竹塘大榕 將建臨時公廁及綠化 號稱全台最大 樹齡逾四百年 成國內旅遊新景點 位於河川行水區 現行法令禁建 縣府和河川局會勘協調解決《聯合報.何烱榮》2003-02-18
》碳烤店進駐 大榕公難安寧 民眾檢舉 竹塘鄉所呈報拆除. 《聯合報.林宜慈》2002-04-17
》「莫讓願景成畫餅」系列報導(完)窮出名 李登輝都沒聽過 鄉所薪水差點發不出 哪有錢推廣原始淨土. 《聯合報.林宜慈》2000-08-16
》一鄉鎮一特色 竹塘鄉 老榕樹有靈 《聯合報.鄭毅》1995-05-06
》珍貴老樹 竹塘大榕公揭牌(http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20131029000654-260107)
》推廣竹塘在地美食 14日「九龍大榕公」民眾呷免驚(https://news.housefun.com.tw/news/article/19730650480.html)

2019 彰化縣立竹塘國中 ChuTang Junior High School
 龍驤蘆荻 有榕乃大 My hometown,My tree