細說從榕      深耕竹塘      有榕乃大      吾話吾鄉      成員介紹      體驗過程      網站導覽      專題簡報
Roaming in ChuTang CF2019
        what! ...teacher, have you not been to the "Jiulong Dashugong"?

       This is an unbelievable question for all the members of our team, when they are forming a team, against a computer teacher who has just arrived, who is a ChuTang 's student! ... Then, each of us began to count on the teacher, from small to large, all kinds of bits and pieces for the familiarity of Chutang...九龍大榕公

       "That... How did you first develop into the current park size?... How easy is it to reach Dashugong?... Which species does the eucalyptus belong to?... Is there any feature?.. Where else is there a place worth visiting in "ChuTang"? ...suitable for family and family trips? ... "

       The teacher's question after listening to our speeches is to let the time we live in ChuTang be dumb and speechless. It seems that the teacher's problems are the daily life, but we have never really gone to understanding it....

       Therefore, the beginning of the new semester of the 106th, because of the professional explanation and encouragement of the history class teacher Zhan, Ren-zhi, participated in the "field research" community guided by the teacher. After a group of like-minded seventh-grade partners gathered together, and discussion with Mr. Zhan, we considered various conditions, such as life, attractions, culture, characteristics and transportation, which we were familiar with. We have a consensus, decided to start together to explore the visit, each person who is familiar with the ChuTang, should also know the scenic  spot: "Jiulong Dashugong".
 》Roaming in ChuTang
      The people born and raised in ChuTang Township, I think no one don't know it. That has stood on this land, the "Large" ficus tree for several generations!

      Although the most popular people in ChuTang Township are familiar with the benefits of the turbid water irrigation system, they have developed abundant agricultural products and agricultural characteristics (such as rice, eggs, mushrooms, golden grapes, burdock tea, peas). ...etc.), and became one of the representatives of agricultural towns and towns in Changhua County.
       However, it is not easy to mention the natural scenic  spots, for people who have never visited ChuTang to speak out. Therefore, using this rare opportunity, the members of the our team under the guidance of the teacher and the mission of being a ChuTang child, proceeded to plan the exploration of the "Jiulong Dashugong", hoping that we can the introduction and explanation of Dashugong allows friends who have not yet explored ChuTang Township to have a trip to ChuTang, which is full of rural characteristics.
溪墘社區 鄉間農作 農忙剪影
Xī qián community corner(Source: Self-shooting) Country silhouette(Source: Self-shooting) Country silhouette(Source: Self-shooting)
 》Reading instructions
      In low-altitude areas of Taiwan, eucalyptus is one of the most common tree species, and "Ficus" is a generic term for the genus Mulberry. There are about a dozen old and old banyan trees in Taiwan. This time, the "Beauty of ficus" network blog team is recommended to everyone in the spirit of the local spirit. This park belongs to the combination of life, belief and characteristics of ChuTang people.  (*ChuTang early called as Luchutang)

       Of course, our research may not be presented in every detail. However, in a limited space, we will introduce the information on the traffic of the ChuTang Traffic through the chapter "Begin with Ficus"; the "Explore ChuTang" chapter, introducing the official development information of the local government and the education of the ChuTang in the country. The various courses are integrated into the design; through the "Giant Ficus tree" chapter, the audience can get a glimpse of "Jiulong Dashugong" and similar scenic spots in various places; in the "CT,My Country" section, invites to the local People talk about feelings in the local area; of course, don't forget to read the "Our Team" chapter and get to know the hard-working partners of our team. Finally, in the "Study & Experience" chapter, we will tell the readers, the special research and production also include everything what we did.

       It is hoped that through our efforts, more people will have more resonance and understanding of the land of ChuTang. They are also looking forward to reading the featured friends. Let us join the Luchutang.
專題討論    榕樹枝葉 榕樹之美團隊 
Mind Map(Source: Self-shooting)  Ficus leave(Source: Self-shooting)  Jiulong Dashugong park(Source: Self-shooting)  

2019 彰化縣立竹塘國中 ChuTang Junior High School
 龍驤蘆荻 有榕乃大 My hometown,My tree