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The relationship between with their same-sex parent alienated.

Dr. Elizabeth.Mo Jiuli thought that homosexuals' relationships with their parents of the same-sex fall apart, they'd like to make up for this deficiency.

Those who have been through sexual assault.

In their childhood, if they've been through sexual by those who should’ve protected them; they might lost trust in them and exclude them out of their mind.  Without the protection of heterosexual, they'll turn to heterosexual for comfort and easily fall for those who have the tendency of homosexuality.


More and more evidence show that the main reason of Homosexual is Physiology.

Two parts of the reasons

1.The amount of hormone secretion
Male's hormone secreted is too few but women have great amount of male hormone, and there'll be great possibility of becoming homosexual.

2. Central nervous system
It's possible to be a Homosexual there's some problem on the Central Nervous System.


Freud scholars attributed homosexuality to pressure in childhood.

If boys are lack of gender identity of his father, he'll show more dependence on mom; If boys surrounded with girls most of the time, he'll be feminized and is used to women's behavior.

Family environment ,quarrels by parents or traumatic experience such as rape  will be the possible reasons way female become lesbian.


A person can develop his inner psychological, there is an obvious impact on one's sexual orientation and gender recognition.

Gender Recognizing includes:Gender Identity, Fix of Gender and Consistency of Gender, homosexuals understand their own was an independent individual and can accept his gender roles but can’t meet most people’s expectations are on how they should play the role.