To Be, Or Not To Be>Actual Interviews>
The Opponent of Homosexual
What do you think is the difference between Homosexual and Heterosexual?
Their concept of traditional ethics differ. One wish for more progress and the other hope to deep original concept.
Do you want our government open up same sex marriage? Why?
Of course not. It’ll result in some problems such as children adopted by them might have different ideas toward relationship between male and female and may affect their off spring and cause severe problems to the birth rate in Taiwan.
Do you have opinion about diverse family formation?
The government not pass the law because diverse family formation leads to many conflicts ethically everyone has their opinions, if the act pass, those who oppose it will protest, and make the counity in a chaos.
If your children or couple is homosexual, what will you do?
I'll talk to him or her and tell him/her my viewpoint, hoping he/she could be back to the right track but if they don’t accept, I’ll not to say anything, that them live well.
Do you feel uncomfortable being with homosexual?
No, but if I saw they have intimate interactive, I feel uncomfortable.
Have you ever watched or listened to homosexual issues in multimedia?
Yes, There was a parade recently. I saw it on the news report. I’ve watched Brokeback Mountain before.
Do you think homosexual is innate?
Not necessarily. I think some people are innate, and the others are affected by their family, peer, news or media.
Do you know any homosexual group?
Yes, I’ve heard some but don’t know much about them. If I have some free time, I’ll try to learn more about them.
Do you think homosexual will influence our kids or society?
Maybe. Homosexual will change the traditional ethic and the composition of the society.
Do you think religion will affect your opinion to homosexual?
Yes, each religion has different opinions to homosexual, so they will propagate their concept to believers.
Do you think homosexual violate ethics? Why?
Of course. People supposed to get married with the opposite sex, so I think homosexual violate ethics.
Why do you oppose homosexual?
As far as I’m concerned I’ll feel uncomfortable when seeing homosexuals having intimate behaviors.
Will you tell your kids about the issue of homosexual?
Of course. If I don’t tell them about the issue, I’m afraid that he or she will be homosexual.
Do you think Taiwan will become an advanced country if we open up same-sex marriage?
Open up same-sex marriage makes people in others countries think Taiwan is pretty open, but it’ll cause many problems to our society. So I don’t think Taiwan will become an advanced country if we open up same-sex marriage.
Do you have homosexual friends?
Yes, I’ll take them as normal people and won’t criticized to them.
Do you agree that homosexual can legally adopt children and educate them?
No, homosexuality will affect kid’s traditional ethics.
Do you each homosexual has AIDS?
No. Being homosexual is not equal to having AIDS.
What do you think about people who support homosexual?
People who support homosexual have their own viewpoint and don’t like to be limited by traditional ethics.
Why are there more and more homosexuals?
Since the society is more open than before, and there are many books or media about homosexual, those homosexuals who are not brave enough to admit their sexual orientation in the past are willing to come out of the closet now.
If homosexuals are more than homosexuals in our society, will you oppose homosexuality?
Of course. Though I’m the minority, I’m doing the right thing, so I’ll keep going.