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The old story from Miss Julie

Photo taken by ourselves

Q1: You were born and raised in Banchiao, where you must have many unforgettable memories. Can you tell us if there was any unforgettable thing during your growing period?

A1: I was born around Houpu Elementary School. But many of my families, including my grandmother, my mother, and my uncle studies in Banchiao Elementary School. So I went to play around that area a lot and was very familiar with the scenes. There weren’t so many houses in Banchiao. What we saw was mountains and farms. There were no walls around the Lin Family Mansion and Garden. Jieyun Temple, around the Mansion, to the Confucius temple was connected. Unlike today, there are walls. Once I went to play in the Mansion with my classmates and was scared by the homeless hiding behind the fake mountain. Since then, I paid a lot of attention on the safety.

Q2: Do you have impressions on Daguan Charity School and the Founding of Fangciao School Monument?

A2:In my childhood, because I could get to the historical site as my wish, I did not have special feeling. Until I left Bianciao and studied in other place, I felt the value of the historical site. The charity school worshiped Wenchang Di Jun and Confucius. I just went to take a quick look. Then, I start teaching. I took my students to wish for good results of the exam. As for the Founding of Fangciao School Monument, when my kid entered Banchiao Elementary School, I started to have vivid impression on the Founding of Fangciao School Monument. Banchiao Elementary School is an old school of 100-year history. The historical materials are abundant. The library on the left of the main gate has exhibit the whole history of Banchiao. You can go find information there.

Q3: When we are doing the research, we found out that the building of Banchiao old city has close relationship with the Lin Family. We also observed the expansion of the culture and the education has close relationship with Daguan Charity School and Fangciao Common School. What is your opinion?

A3: Of course, the Lin Family has great contributions. The so-called charity school is a charity business. If the Lin Family donated the money and the land, there wouldn’t have the flourish culture in Banchiao. The unselfish spirits has made Banchiao into a culture and education area. So Taiwanese and Japanese all thank the family.

Q4: We found out that after the charity school moved, the learning area was expanded and the political and society were stabled. We, as being in the modern period, expected to expand our learning route and area, is there any encouragement that you will give us?

A4:Yes, the Banchiao city centered by the Lin Family is like a mother. The mother conveys the nutrition through the cord and flourishes the education around Banchiao. Some of the elementary schools set up in Banchiao are like the branch of Banchiao Elementary School. Now the government emphasizes on the education. The Department of Culture Affairs has been promoting all kinds of activities. I hope you can have these experiences and use the social resources to elevate your learning vision and explore your world.