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The Lin Family Mansion and Garden

The Lin Family Mansion and Garden

Banchiao Culture Environment

Interpretative signs

Street light,the words means"The Banchiao old city"

Photo taken by ourselves

 Banchiao old city is expanded from the Lin Family Mansion and Garden. There are Daguan Charity School, Jieyun Temple, and Cihui Temple. For schools, it has Banchiao Elementary School and Banchiao Senior High School. This area becomes a culture educational center.

 If exploring to Wenhua Road, where the Bureau of Culture is, it was the culture area developed from Banchiao old city. The backland is huge. Today, Banchiao is the important political and commercial district of New Taipei City. We expect to explore from the history and find the energy of cultural Banchiao!

 We visited the area of Daguan Charity School and Founding of Fangciao School Monument and gently taste the environment to see if there is still a slight antique tone of it!

Cihui Temple

embedded the boundary of the old city

Jieyun Temple

The Lin Family Mansion and Garden

Daguan Charity School