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The first bridge


1The first bridge born in regret – Hsuanming Bridge (NO.65)

(Source: Shingshanhall website)

  • Location: Lutsu, Juntou Township, Chia-yi City
  • Time: Last renovated in October, 1979
  • Length: 12m

1Introduction of Hsuanming Bridge:

The birth of this bridge was due to the death of a junior high student. On the way home, since the bridge was too low, and the water rose too high quickly, he could not get out of the way; only his cold body was found. The villagers were very much saddened by this news. Some of the villagers knew about the bridge-repair work of the Charity Organization, and requested help from the Charity Organization. Leader at the time, Lin Bingshan, heard about this and sought help to build the bridge, and a bamboo bridge was completed within two weeks. At first, villagers did not believe that the bamboo bridge was solid enough, and thought it had safety problems. However, government inspection found that every detail of this bamboo bridge was carefully protected. It was surprising that such a bridge built by non-professionals was solid beyond imagination, and understood the devotion of builders. This bridge did not have a name, but upon the third renovation into a concrete bridge, it was named “Hsuanming Bridge,” recorded as the 65th bridge of Chia-yi Charity Organization.

1First bridge of the Charity Hall branch of the Chia-yi Charity Organization – Rongshun Bridge (NO.43)

Rover scout join build bridge
Rover scout join build bridge
(Source: Chia-yi City Chia-yi Charity Organization website)

  • Location: Chongliao, Gonghsing Village, Fanlu Township, Chia-yi County
  • Time: May, 1977
  • Length: 8m

1Introduction of Rongshun Bridge:

Rongshun Bridge is the first bridge of the Charity Hall branch of the Chia-yi Charity Organization, and is the 43rd bridge built. This bridge was built in 1977, and has withstood strong typhoons, and is still solid after the 921 Earthquake, and has provided enormous convenience for villagers.

1First bridge of Chia-yi City Chia-yi Charity Organization – Shantong Bridge (NO.126)

  • Location: In front of the Nanyin Temple in Chaojia New Village, Chia-yi City
  • Time: December 1983
  • Length: 30m

1Introduction of Shantong Bridge:

Rover scout join build bridge
Rover scout join build bridge
(Source: Chia-yi City Chia-yi Charity Organization website)

Shantong Bridge is the first bridge of the Chia-yi City Chia-yi Charity Organization, and is the 136th bridge since bridge-building began. The bridge is located in front of the Nanyin Temple, providing convenience for villagers as well as believers.


(Reference resources: Supplied by Chia-yi Charity Organization and written by our group according to the research)