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SWOT analysis Conclusion Suggestions

Research conclusions


(Source: photographed by the team)

In society, more and more non-profit organizations have appeared, one type of which is the charitable organizations. These organizations have become the mainstream in influencing society. They are independent, public, and civil, and are not established for the sake of obtaining certain profits. The operational costs primarily rely on government subsidies or donations from the public. Charitable organizations often use fundraisers or seek volunteers to maintain operations of their organization. Charitable organizations also indirectly use these funds to help the public to supplement the difference between social needs and government assistance. In recent years, there have been more and more charitable organizations established in the world. This is primarily because many people in society have needs that are not satisfied, they need help; more people have also participated in these organizations, so that the differences in life gradually decrease.

In Taiwan, Chia-yi City Chia-yi Charity Organization is such an organization. The primary good work of the Organization is bridge-building. Beginning in the 1970s, they have built over 300 bridges all over Taiwan, and they have become famous in Taiwan. For their donations, each person can only donate 100 NT, which proves the principle of “small becomes large.” Additionally, visiting work sites on Sundays is a tradition since establishment of the Organization. Until today, over 200,000 have participated in these activities. The aid of the volunteers is the key reason for sustainable development of the Organization.

The young couple who take part in the building of the bridge
The young couple who take part in the building of the bridge
(Source: photographed by the team)

In the study, we found that the system would influence the structure of occupations and ages of the participants. Chia-yi Charity Organization limits donations to 100 NT, thus most of the participants are middle class, and there is a significant different from the Lion’s Club and the Rotary Club. Also, since most of the members are from the educational field, they do not like to mingle with the so-called upper class to cause interpersonal pressures. Ultimately, Chia-yi City Chia-yi Charity Organization is a more pragmatic organization; it does not care for ephemeral appearances. “Enduring bitterness and hard work” is the best way to describe the Organization. All members have a certain degree of experience and must have seen the ways of the world, before they are able to cultivate such spirit.
The Organization’s bridge-building activities have always been their specialty.

Rover scout join build bridge
Rover scout join build bridge
(Source: Chia-yi City Chia-yi Charity Organization website)

At the work site, there are volunteers from various different places. They move sand and dirt and prepare the food. Even though they sweat, they do not show weariness on their faces, and are always smiling. Building bridges on Sundays at the work site seems to have become their habit. From these people, we found the attitude of “giving brings most joy.” Intangibly, it seems that these volunteers have received return for their good deeds; the stories of miraculous recovery from cancer and bone spurs are concrete examples.

Since establishment of the Organization, all operations are normal, but the concern is whether they will be able to go on. We summarize the following crisis points for the development of the Organization:

Eating the food
Eating the food
(Source: photographed by the team)

lLack of youth participation

Our study found that most of the people who participate in activities of the Organization are over middle-aged, and there is a low ratio of youth participation, resulting in an aging organization. For sustainable development of the Organization, it needs more volunteer youth.

lLack of professional expertise

Bridge-building technique of the Organization relies on the volunteers with experience. They lack participation with more professional, technical, and innovative members. A lack of professional expertise is a major crisis for the sustainability of the Organization.

lProblem of operational costs

A 95-year-old granny takes part in the ceremony
A 95-year-old granny takes part in the ceremony
(Source: Chia-yi City Chia-yi Charity Organization website)

Changes in the international economic structure have resulted in fluctuations of construction materials. Even though at the moment the Organization is saturated with donations, if there is no increase in the number of donors, in the future there would be a shortage in capital.。

With the social changes and movements of the times, the inequitable distribution of world resources is becoming more serious. Only with the help of these non-profit organizations can the quality of life of the public become balanced. However, the most important thing is, these various charitable organizations still require more people who are able to devote themselves to these activities full of love. Chia-yi City Chia-yi Charity Organization has the same mission, and ceaselessly give for these people in society. It is hoped that they can use “media transmission” and “social marketing” to help more people understand these non-profit organizations and join in doing good. It is hoped that in the future, we can create a warm society that is good and harmonious.

(Reference resource: The website and the conclusion by our group after the research)