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The Origin of Ban-Shou Gifts

There are two origins of Ban-Shou Gifts:
       The people in the ancient time lived a poor life. The gifts they sent to relatives and friends on festivals were not bought in the way, and were usually accumulated through a long period or bought with the money deposited by saving on food and expense. It was like making pills of immortality as Taoist did. Therefore, the name Dan-Lu implied the hardship and expressed the good will.

2.Ban-Shou gifts for returning to wife's parents' home on the Second day of JanuaryĦ×Deng-Lu
A married Chinese woman usually prepares some gifts when returning to her parents' home, and such gifts are usually called Ban-Shou or Deng-Lu. The custom of returning to parents' home on the second day of January in Chinese calendar is a mechanism protecting women's rights to the lowest degree in the ancient time. Only with this opportunity, the Chinese women who do housework all days can enjoy the valuable holidays as Ħ§guestsĦ¨.

       The name Ban-Shou implies the children are waiting for their parents returning from their grandparents' home far away with gifts. Courtesy demands reciprocity. On the New Year's return or return after marriage to wife's parents' home, the guests went with Ban-Shou gifts and came back home with Deng-Lu gifts.
