Lukang Salt Industry Museum

According to local elders, the Hexing Police Station was originally a building related to the Lukang Salt office in the Qing Dynasty.

In order to reflect this past, and to let tourists understand the subsequent development history of Lukang Salt Fields,
 the Lukang Salt Industry Museum is specially set up in the  Hexing Youth Innovation Base.

Opening hours: 
Wednesday to Sunday and national holidays 10:00-17:00

There are volunteers in the museum to explain and guide, so that tourists can better understand the development history of Lugang Salt Industry

An explanation of the development history of Lukang salt industry with Chinese and English comparisons

Use light and shadow projection technology to make the explanation more vivid

In addition to introducing the history of the development of the salt industry, the film also recorded the hard work of Lugang seniors in the salt industry in the past.

Map displayed showing the extent of Lukang Salt Fields during Japanese rule in 1921

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Exhibition of traditional utensils 
related to salt making

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Salt production process display

Exhibition of old photos related to salt production

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