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Discover ChuTang     深耕竹塘   胸有成竹
》Reading the native land
       In 2015, an environmental appraisal proposed by the "Environmental Mothers Foundation" reported that ChuTang Township was ranked as one of the dirtiest countries in Taiwan. This makes the teachers and staffs surprised and triggered many thoughts The teachers realized that this is the time to use the power of education to change this situation.

Under the efforts of the principal, the Academic Affairs Office, the administrative team and the teaching team, every partner devotes to use their own academic ability to cooperate with ChuTang's local agriculture, customs, geographical features and most of all-their teaching enthusiasm, to design a series of teaching themes about the integration of local cultural characteristics into the curriculum; expecting the children of ChuTang to love the homeland, to be proud of being born in ChuTang, to promote ChuTang as their responsibility.
》Subject silhouette
閱讀寫作課程 閱讀教育-作家講座 閱讀寫作課程
Reading & writing course (Source: Self-shooting) Reading Education - Writer Lecture (Source: Self-shooting) Reading & writing course (Source: Self-shooting)
校本課程剪影 校本課程剪影 校本課程剪影
School-based curriculum (Source: Self-shooting) School-based curriculum (Source: Self-shooting) Health promotion activities (Source: Self-shooting)
大樹公課程剪影 校本課程剪影 校本課程剪影
Dashugong Course (Source: Self-shooting)  School-based curriculum (Source: Self-shooting)  School-based curriculum  (Source: Self-shooting) 

2019 彰化縣立竹塘國中 ChuTang Junior High School
 龍驤蘆荻 有榕乃大 My hometown,My tree