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Campus Competition - Feedbacks from Students


The exciting ‘Learning Poetry Through A Cappella’ competition has come to an end. We would like to invite the whole school to watch this amazing contest with us! We filmed the performances by all classes on the day of the competition and uploaded the videos on YouTube so that everyone can enjoy them during computer class. When we were watching the videos, everyone had a lively discussion and the students who knew the poems even sang along when they heard the tune! The students of Yu-Tsai have also fallen in love with a cappella, just like us! Let’s take a look and see what they have to say!

Feedbacks from the school


Grade Six Class Red - Lesley Cheng
Favorite class:Grade Two Class Red

I think the kids are very good in singing. The high and low notes were presented well, the tempo was accurate and they did not sing off-key. The song was well-selected and dynamic. The students also changed formations during the performance to increase variation. Therefore, their performance did not bore me out.


Grade Six Class Red - Joseph Yeh
Favorite class:Grade Two Class Blue

They recited the poem with musical tones and beautiful cadences. The stage presentation was also very creative. I think they really looked as if they were ancient people writing poetry and drinking wine leisurely under bight moonlight. The overall presentation was very good and the poems were read very uniformly. Therefore, they are the best class to me.


Grade Six Class Red - Ryan Liao
Favorite class:Grade Two Class Zhi

During the performance, the students stood in such a way so that everyone could be seen. In addition, they were singing rhythmically but not disorderly. Everyone's vocal came together harmoniously. It became an even better song, a song with a new style, when accompanied by New Year's music.


Grade Six Class Yellow - Lider Wu
Favorite class: Grade Three Class Red

They displayed very good techniques and used human voice to mimic the sound of musical instruments. Overall, their tempo and coordination were very good. Their teamwork, stage presentation, tonality, and tempo had significantly elevated the overall performance. It was perfect.


Grade Six Class Yellow - Wilbert Wang
Favorite class:Grade Four Class Zhi

I think Grade Four Class Zhi’s performance was quite good. Their performance was distinctive in terms of stage presentation, clarity of pronunciation, and rhythm. Their voices were exceptionally clear and refreshing, and were not at least fuzzy. In comparison, the other classes did not pronounce as clearly and their voices were not as beautiful. Therefore, I think Grade Four Class Zhi’s performance was the best.


Grade Three Class Red - Jasmine Chou
Favorite class:Grade Four Class Yellow

I think they sang well. Their voices were beautiful and melodious. The five of them coordinated well and transformed the song into something new. I was captivated by the song, and I really liked their voices.


Grade Four Class Zhi - Connie Lin
Favorite class:Grade Five Class Red-A

They sang really well regardless of high or low notes. They used the music from the well-known songs ‘Blue and White Porcelain’ and ‘Palm’. In terms of technique, they used the sound ‘meow meow’ and won the hearts of the judges and audience. In terms of rhythm, they had used the most rhythmic parts of the two songs as the arrangement of this song.


Grade Four Class Red - Cathy He
Favorite class:Grade Two Class Yellow

I like their performance because they had integrated a lot of different musical styles. They also sang loudly and uniformly. The rhythm of each musical style was well-controlled and the stage presentation was also outstanding.


Grade Four Class Red - Leo Chen
Favorite class:Grade Five Class Red-BB

I think Grade Five Class Red-B sang really loudly. Their vocals and rhythms were really precise. In terms of vocals, I think they were the best amongst the grade five groups. They grasped the techniques of a cappella. In terms of stage presentation, it could be a little more varied. Go, Five Red-B!


Grade Four Class Yellow - Maxine Liu
Favorite class:Grade Five Class Yellow

I think Grade Five Class Yellow sang the best. Although their song was rather short, I was mesmerized by their performance. In addition, I think they held great composure on stage. That was why I chose them!

the Beautiful Voices Feedback



As part of this year’s Cyberfair project, we held an “a cappella poetry contest” in our school. Following HanGuang Vocal Band as the model, the contestants were asked to sing the poetry of their choice in a cappella style. Students from G2 to G5 participated in the contest. My classmates and I also formed a team to join the contest. Unfortunately, our performance was too short, it was less than 3-minute long. Although we didn’t manage the time very well, at least we tried. The important thing is not about winning, but the experience we gained. Later on, I saw the video recording of the entire contest and was totally impressed by every team’s performance. I really enjoyed this activity and have learned a lot from it.



I thought the grade twos were the most creative ones. They may be the youngest, but they are definitely not the weakest. Every class in grade two got many students joining in on the competition. They were loud, and their cuteness made their performance more enjoyable. Even though these ideas came from their teachers, whereas the fifth graders worked entirely on their own, the grade twos followed their teachers’ instructions and they weren’t shy. This is something that we can all learn from. I wish the school will have another a cappalla singing competition.

Source: the Beautiful Voices │ Photos by the Beautiful Voices