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Campus Competition-Preparation for Practices-Grade Five


Teacher Feedback

Team Selection: Students who were interested and had a positive attitude were chosen first. Those who were outgoing with lots of ideas or on the choir were chosen next.

Class Zhi
Ms. Wang

Song Selection: Ms. Wang sang the song for them first, and then she would decide if the song was appropriate. Another group took on a song from a classic TV drama that they were familiar with, and they got the hang of it very quickly.
Assigning vocal parts: Students decided for themselves and made different arrangements. Ms. Wang then listened and decided on which arrangement was best.
Training: Students used lunch break and practiced in the resource room. They continually adjusted their singing and body actions. Later on, they performed in front of the class to build up confidence.

Team Selection: Students made their own teams and signed up.

Class Red
Ms. Huang

Song Selection: They chose the poem that they had learned in grade four, so every one was familiar with it, and then they chose a song to go along.
Assigning vocal parts: Parts were assigned according to every one’s vocal quality. Some were on the choir, so they just followed the vocal parts assignment of the choir.
Training: Two groups of students got to run their own practices without restrictions. Ms. Huang gave some suggestions for them to adjust their performance.

Grade five practice highlights

Source: the Beautiful Voices|Photos by the Beautiful Voices