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Campus Competition-Preparation for Practices-Grade Four


Teacher Feedback

Team Selection: Kids with a good poise were chosen first. Then Ms. Wu selected students who had a loud voice, a good pitch, a good attitude, and good team players.

Class Zhi
Ms. Wu

Song Selection: Ms. Wu picked folk songs that were refreshing, and then she picked a poem to go with it.
Assigning vocal parts: Ms. Wu arranged the team according to students’ height and vocal parts according to their voice.
Training: The class practiced the melody first to find the right tempo for the song. Ms. Wu then helped her students understand the meaning of the poem before letting them practice at home. Team practices were held at school with constant adjustments. It wasn’t an easy task!

Team Selection: Five students were selected to sing main melody, bass voice, alto voice, soprano voice, and voice percussion.

Class Yellow
Ms. Chu

Song Selection: Since Ms. Chu liked the song ‘Be Content with Your Lot’ by ‘Mayday,’ she looked up the Internet for a piano version of it, and then she matched it with different poems until a good match was finalized.
Assigning vocal parts: Vocal parts were determined according to each student’s pitch and voice quality. They were divided into main melody, soprano voice, alto voice, bass voice, and voice percussion.
Training: Ms. Wu instructed her students according to different vocal parts, and then they were asked to practice at home. After every one was familiar with the song, all vocal parts finally came together with constant adjustments after each practice.

Grade four practice highlights

Source: the Beautiful Voices|Photos by the Beautiful Voices