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Vocal Demonstration – Afterthoughts


【Cherry 】

When I arrived school, my teacher asked me to memorize the spring part of ‘Joy of Studying in Four Seasons’ and learn the melody as performed by HanGuang Vocal Band. Our teacher then asked us to sing in front of her. After numerous attempts, we were nowhere near HanGuang Vocal Band. The conductor tirelessly corrected us to make our singing better. The next day, when we started recording, we got the perfect call from our teacher after only a few attempts. We should thank our teacher and conductor for it.
After this experience, I realized that how much work it must have taken for HanGuang Vocal Band to bring a song on stage. The fine adjustments on pitch and tempo take a lot of effort, so I will start listening to their songs seriously. Besides singing, I have also learned how to fuse poetry with a cappella. I need to have more confidence in singing, not waiting for others to start. In the future, I will be more willing and confident to sing without hesitation.


【Vanilla 】

After we finished our poems, it was time for us to sing. I was assigned to sing the lead for winter and harmony in other seasons. When singing harmony, we needed to sing from our abdomen, making ‘wu, wu, wu’ sound or ‘lu, lu, lu’ sound depending on the season, that was really interesting. When I was the lead singer, I was a bit shy, so I had trouble getting my voice out. Luckily later on Samantha joined me singing the lead, that gave me some courage to bring my voice out. It was not easy to sing well, we needed good teamwork and team chemistry to bring our best to the audience. During the practice, I thought Henry Liang was quite impressive. He surprised me when he mimicked the sound of birds chirping. Oliver joined in on mimicking the sound of jazz drum, and it was fun to have everyone joining in on it. In the end, when we heard our own voice in the recording, we all laughed together. This is truly a unique experience!


【Samantha 】

I was assigned by our Assistant Teacher Oliver to sing the lead in autumn. At that time, my memory told me that the melody for autumn differed from those of other seasons, but I had already memorized the melodies for other seasons, so I immediately asked the conductor to switch my assignment, and I was then reassigned to spring. Next, I started memorizing the best poem combination discussed by everyone. But there were some phrases that I was not familiar with, so it took me a bit of time to memorize the poem. During practice, our teacher asked me to help with the lead of winter, so I ended up with both spring and winter to work with. Fortunately, the melodies in these two seasons are the same, so that did not cause me too much trouble. Whereas in summer and autumn, I only needed to sing harmony with sounds like ‘du,’ ‘lu,’ ‘wu,’ and ‘hu,’ which I thought was quite fun. I think our a cappella band should be a success!

Source: the Beautiful Voices