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Campus Competition-Preparation for Practices-Grade Three


Teacher Feedback

Team Selection: Ms. Cheng first asked the class if they were interested in this event, and they were all very enthusiastic about it. She then selected a few students with a better pitch and range.

Class Zhi
Ms. Cheng

Song Selection: Ms. Cheng selected ‘Bāng Chhun-hong’ and ‘Ú-iā-hue’ with adaptations. The tempo was reset so the students were able to sing.
Assigning vocal parts: Kids with a better pitch were responsible for the main melody. The main melody was divided into ‘Bāng Chhun-hong’ and ‘Ú-iā-hue.’ Students with a better rhythm were responsible for beating time.
Training: Students responsible for singing practiced the melody of ‘Bāng Chhun-hong’ and ‘Ú-iā-hue’ first. When they were familiar with both songs, some beats were added in, and then followed by some actions. Adjustments were made after every practice.

Team Selection: Students who volunteered were chosen first. They were then asked to sing songs that they learned at school for second screening. Students who got a loud voice, good pitch, and great confidence were chosen for the team.

Class Ren
Ms. Yeh

Song Selection: Since the students were relatively young, Ms. Yeh selected a livelier song for them to practice. In the end, she decided on the theme song of a popular children’s anime ‘Chibi Maruko-chan’ and hoped the students would have a good time singing a song they were familiar with.
Assigning vocal parts: Lunch time and a little bit of class time were used for training. Students also practiced at home. Ms. Yeh hoped the kids would have fun, and the class performance could be complete.
Training: Each group was trained separately to build team chemistry. Singing and harmony were trained together to get the right pitch. Beat time group counted the beats so every one could start on the same beat. After the teams got the hang of it, then the whole class got started. Ms. Yeh recorded both songs and sent to the parents for kids to practice at home.

Grade three practice highlights

Source: the Beautiful Voices|Photos by the Beautiful Voices