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Taipei South Town Art Festival 2014 - Feedback



We observed HanGuang’s rehearsal today, and we found that they worked hard and paid attention to detail, which is something that we could learn from. Furthermore, they would encourage and instruct each other, and that showed their humbleness. We also did some questionnaires and saw a few friendly and not-so-friendly passersby. Some people even said that we are so cute and responsible. I was really happy to hear that. I was on my toes when the concert got started. Both the lead and harmony did an excellent job, and the audience was really into the songs. Today’s event has broadened our horizons.



I was really happy to join this performance. HanGuang Vocal Band played a few nice songs. I found out that they were also quite nervous during the rehearsal. They tried really hard to get everything right, including the testing of speakers. But when it comes to the real show, it was all different. They did not appear to be nervous at all! They may even joke around with us during their performance to make us laugh. It seemed like they did so to relax themselves, and their performance got better. I also realized that performing a show was all hard work for the band. They had to get to the venue early, test the microphones and speakers, and do a walk-through. That definitely shows hard work does pay off.

Source: the Beautiful Voices | Pictures: the Beautiful Voices