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Anniversary Concert - Feedback



When we took part in HanGuang’s anniversary concert, I was very excited because I got to see the band again! My teammates and I waited excitedly on the square of Zhongshan Hall before the concert. During the concert, I heard them singing a wide variety so songs that were relaxing and happy. My favorite song is Full River of Red and My Own Way. Both songs have a brisk pace, and they brought the audiences to their feet. I enjoyed the concert tremendously! This has to be the best concert I’ve ever attended!



I took part in the anniversary concert of HanGuang and heard the band members’ beautiful voices. Among all of the songs they sang, the two songs that I liked the most was "A spray of flowers (Not giving in to old age)- coda" and "Full River of Red". The song "A spray of flowers (Not giving in to old age)- coda" made me feel that the naughty notes were running out of the HanGuang members’ mouth to play games. And the song "Full River of Red", made me feel vibrant. The band performed this song heartily. I think the members’ favorite song should be this one too. All in all, I loved this special concert.

Source: the Beautiful Voices │ Pictures: the Beautiful Voices