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Anniversary Concert – Post Concert Interview


After HanGuang Vocal Band’s anniversary concert was over, we interviewed the teacher, founder, and Director Chu. We wanted to know how they felt about the overall performance of the band?

Founder Ms. Ju-Fang Song

Overall performance 【Very satisfied, but would have been better if the order of songs was rearranged】
Ms. Song was very satisfied with the concert as a whole. However, the first half might be a bit slow for the younger audience, so she would like to see the order of songs rearranged. The second half of the concert was filled with fast tempo songs that were livelier, and the band had more interaction with the audience, and Ms. Song was very pleased with this part. She said seeing the band interacting with the audience through classical poetry really touched her heart.


【Creativity in multiple dimensions】

Ms. Song hoped to add more creativity into HanGuang’s performance to bring the audience a new experience. She hoped to add more solo into the band’s repertoire, and this would help promoting poetry. Besides singing, she suggested there might be some dancing or more stage props to enhance visual elements of the performance, which was what HanGuang hoped to achieve in the future.

Director Jerry Chu

Overall performance 【Touched and satisfied】
After each performance, the team would get together and reflect on the singing and choreography. For this show, some band members did not feel so well physically, but they still managed to deliver their best performance, which made Director Chu very pleased about the overall performance.


【Dramatic combination to give poetry a new life】

HanGuang blended in quite few stage elements into its performance, and we hoped the audience would see them as being congruent. In the future, Director Chu hopes to move the band’s performance towards music drama and weave the poems into a story through singing. Therefore, the priority for the band now is to focus on singing and let every one know about HanGuang before proceeding with the transformation.

Teacher Allegro Chu

Overall performance 【Very satisfied, but need to work on overall cohesiveness】
Teacher Allegro was very satisfied about the concert. He believed it was nearly impossible to get a perfect score in music, especially when some band members had a flu. So he thought the band had already done its best. Teacher Allegro was very excited about the progress that the band had made. The accumulation of practice hours for this concert made the band improve. The sensory experience added into the performance was not presented in its fullest form due to a lack of practice time, and Teacher Allegro believed the band should work on it in the future.


【Always seek ways to make improvements!】

In the future, Teacher Allegro hoped to leap from the preliminary sensory experience technology into 3-D stage presentation. As for music, he believed there is no perfect score, so the band needs to keep on practicing and make continuous improvements because music is only limited to the amount of effort one puts in.

Teacher Yun-Hong Chen

Overall performance 【Very satisfied, but more hard work is needed to make the next breakthrough】
Ms. Chen thought the band performed well in the anniversary concert. However, there is room for improvement in vocal delivery and stage presentation. She believes perfection does not exist in music, only continuous breakthroughs will take one’s music close to being perfect.


【Performance with multiple elements, get back to the basics】

Ms. Chen pointed out the combination of animation and sensory experience brought not only audio, but also visual enjoyment to the audience. In the future, they will continue to look for different modes of stage presentation. In 2015, the performance may get back to the basics with pure vocal singing with minimal stage effects without the projected screen.

Interview and photos: the Beautiful Voices