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South Town Art Festival 2014:Secretary Gen. Interview


The host of ‘Taipei South Town Art Festival 2014, ’General Association of Chinese Culture (GACC), happened to be the co-sponsor of HanGuang Vocal Band’s anniversary concert. Director Chu mentioned to us that the GACC has been very supportive of HanGuang Vocal Band. In order to learn more about the history of the two, we decided to invite secretary Yang for an interview during the opening of ‘Taipei South Town Art Festival 2014’ We hope the interview would shed some light on the relationship between the GACC and HanGuang Vocal Band.

Interview Detail


How long has the GACC and HanGuang Vocal Band been in cooperation?

We started back in 2013 during the Chinese Character Art Festival. However, we first worked with HanGuang Education Foundation, not the band, because the foundation pays attention to Chinese Character like we do.


What do you think about HanGuang Vocal Band?

Most bands perform pop music, but HanGuang Vocal Band tries to add elements of Chinese culture into its music. For example, we have heard of other a cappella groups singing pop music like ‘My Heart Will Go On’ from the Titanic or other classics. This type of performance is quite common everywhere in the world. What makes HanGuang special is its fusion of classical poetries into a cappella, which is something very original.


Why the GACC always helps HanGuang Vocal Band with its performances?

In fact, the GACC hasn’t provided any direct assistance to HanGuang. We like HanGuang’s music, so we invite them to our venues. The only help that we had offered them was some animation related matter, more as a supporting role, without intervening with their creativity. Their creativity is something that we will not be able to help them with.


What is the role of the GACC in HanGuang’s anniversary concert on November 19th, 2014?

We are there to offer our uttermost support!


Will the GACC continue its support for HanGuang Vocal Band in the future? If so, in what way?

Definitely. As an assisting party, we are happy to offer them our assistance anytime. Therefore, we will not be in a position to interfere with the band. If we offer help with interfering with the band, that should not cause any trouble for both parties.

Interview highlights

Interview and photos: the Beautiful Voices