Location ─ Index / Meal Service / Client 1

Client 1

Firstly, we visited Client 1-Mr. Ho.  When he went out from his house, we got shocked by his appearance.  His hair, feet and hands were dirty.  We even saw the dirt in his nails.  His jacket was also moldy.  When we gave him the lunch, he smiled shyly at us.  The lunch made by the Foundation would be the best meal among a day.  Sometimes it might be the only meal a day to him.

Mr. Ho’s Home


This was another volunteer in charge of meals to elders in Dacun. He led us to Mr. Ho.


Mr. Ho’s house was down a small alley. We went there curiously.


We saw Mr. Ho standing in front of his house far away.He was waiting for the lunch.


Mr. Ho was mentally retarded. No one took care of him in day. Fortunately, the Foundation delivered lunch for him.


Ms. Chan gave him a red envelop for Chinese New Year.


We gave the fresh lunch to Mr. Ho.


We gave the card and fruit to Mr. Ho for presents.


Mr. Ho took us to his place. Through the Chinese traditional house, we saw Mr. Ho’s place.


The steel-covered building was his house.


Mr. Ho’s bedroom is in the corner of the house. The rain drips down from the leak in the roof. The Foundation is going to repair it well.


There were only one bed, one table and one chair in his room. The surroundings were really poor. We felt sorry for him.


We took a photo with Mr. Ho before we left. None of us smiled because we all had mixed feelings.



Mr. Ho is mentally retarded.  He rarely talks to others.  When I gave the lunch to him, he said repeatedly "Thank you! Thank you!" But I felt somber because I could offer him few.

Mr. Ho’s room is almost empty.  His family hardly takes care of him.  Thanks to the Foundation’s help, Mr. Ho gets lunch everyday.  He shows a satisfied smile as having his lunch.  I think the meal delivery is meaningful.

Mr. Hsu had told us about Mr. Ho’s situation before our delivery.  It still shocked us when we saw it personally; it’s even worse.  I shall be satisfied to living in a loving house.  Thank you, Mom and Dad!

Mr. Ho’s room was in a terrible mess.  It was smelly.  I felt sorry for that.   When I saw that he was satisfied with his lunch, I believe that the volunteers are doing something meaningful.

Photos From The Ping-He Doves
Statement From A Skin-Graft With Love Foundation;
(Statement) Organized By The Ping-He Doves