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The Love Story

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What is "A Skin-Graft With Love"?

It is a true story of lifesaving which happened in Changhua, Taiwan.  Because of the touching story, A Skin-Graft With Love Foundation was founded.  Now, let's take a trip in the time machine with The Ping-He Doves back to Changhua in 1928 to know more about A Skin-Graft With Love!

This affecting story took place in Changhua in 1928...


There was a 13-year-old boy called Zhou Jin-Yao. One day, he fell down and hurt his leg.


His father took him to a temple to ask a psychic for cure, but his wound became worse.


"Dr. David Landsborough of Changhua Medical Center is excellent!" Someone told Jin-Yao’s father. Then Jin-Yao was taken to the doctor.


"Only skin-grafting can save Jin-Yao’s life." Dr. Landsborough said after diagnosis. So his wife,
Mrs. Landsborough, gave a part of her skin to Jin-Yao.

But this time, the surgery failed. Dr. Landsborough did not give up and looked for effective treatment from many medical books. Finally he found a good one to treat Jin-Yao.


Dr. Landsborough cut a part of Jin-Yao’s own skin into pieces, and grafted them all on his injured leg.

Mrs. Landsborough took care of Jin-Yao very carefully after his new surgery.

Mrs. Landsborough took care of Jin-Yao very carefully after his new surgery.


The  new surgery was a success. Jin-Yao's leg healed.

The new surgery was a success. Jin-Yao’s leg healed.

Dr. Landsborough and his wife kept supporting Jin-Yao until he graduated  from Seminary.

Dr. Landsborough and his wife kept supporting Jin-Yao until he graduated from Seminary.

Photo & Text Edited by The Ping-He Doves
Reference:Hsiao.(2010). A skin-slice with love. Changhua: A Skin-Graft With Love Foundation

A Skin-Graft With Love Animation Resourse

Recalling The Story Of A Skin-Graft With Love In 1928...


Mr. and Ms. Landsborough (David Landsborough and Marjorie Landsborough)


Zhou Jin-Yao and Ms. Isabel Elliot, the nurse took care of him (1928 A.D.)


Zhou Jin-Yao after having surgery (1928 A.D.)


Mr. and Ms. Landsborough and Zhou Jin-Yao who was studying at Tainan Theological College and Seminary (1935 A.D.)

Photos From A Skin-Graft With Love Foundation