Project Elements


Elements of Research Project

1. How do our research activities connect to Grade 1-9 Curriculum?


During the research process, we have learned to gain some important basic abilities, such as browsing websites, reading relevant books.  By reading a lot and sorting data, we finished our learning notes.  When we were taking notes, we reviewed our learning process.  While making interview records, we learned how to behave and use proper wording to ask our interviewees and write important points into our writings. 

Social Science

Combining 5th and 6th grade encouraging and social care topics in social science and languages, we experienced and utilized in life and stretched into extracurricular references. 

Science and Technology

We have developed research spirit and abilities to utilize the methods we found during our research to solve problems in our life. 

Art and Humanities

We have developed our appreciation to society and humanities.  We can preserve our memories to our community and our feelings by oral expression or cameras and spread this beauty by Internet. 

Information Technology Education

During the process of searching data and interviews, we have learned how to solve the problems we encountered by peripheral facilities, such as Internet, digital cameras, recorders and computers.  We have also learned how to integrate these skills to be a information creator instead of information plagiarists. 

Environment Education

We get to know the beauty of our nature, learn how to appreciate and respect the gifts of nature and sustain this wonderful land. 

2. What kind of information technology did you use to fulfill your Cyberfair research project?

Information Tools





Searching data, writing reports, making web pages



Searching data, uploading reports, using emails, making web pages



Searching data, writing reports, making web pages



Sorting paper information

Digital Camera

School, teachers and parents

Taking pictures of our work and interviews

Digital Recorder


Recording interviews

3. What methods do you use to play your roles of Cyberfair representatives online or in person?

Besides letting others know Minister Huang, purpose of this project is also to let everyone know that counseling prisoners is really a difficult work and that prisoners are expecting everyone to accept them. 

Minister Huang has been to plenty of prisons and interviewed all kinds of prisoners for these years.  We hope that our project can help everyone understand the hard work of counseling prisoners. 

Each team member shared work load and cooperated together in order to accomplish all tasks.  By dividing into groups, mutual discussion, collecting and sorting data, interviewing, we could use the knowledge we had learned into life.  Life testifies our learning.  On each interview and field trip, our attitudes have become more concentrated and our skills of asking questions have improved. Team members also encouraged each other to make things work more perfectly.  More importantly, we now care about every detail, but we used to be careless.  Our interviewees could feel that we worked diligently and sincerely. 

4. What influence and impacts of your research project have effected your school and local places? 

Many parts of this project were learning activities outside of school, like researching, sorting and discussing data, interview skills and planning in advance, writing reports and making web pages.  We all expanded our abilities through this process.  It really was a precious experience.  During our interviews, our interviewees gave us positive feedbacks on our vision.  They thought our publication could help more people face prisoners with positive attitudes.  And for future generation, they will give more efforts to protect this land.

5. Description of copyrights of the project website. 

All project content was discussed by all team members.  Interview information and pictures have been agreed by authors and then be published.  We also give the references. 

6. Discoveries, lessons and wonders. 

Although we don’t know relevant skills and knowledge to do this project, we grew our enthusiasm for this project through teachers’ instruction and trainings.  We have better understandings that changing one’s heart cannot only rely on prisons which are not enough.  We have to prevent bad things happening before they might happen.  We also appreciate those who devote their life and energy to do social work in order to help those teenagers return.  We hope we will be able to contribute ourselves to accomplish this impossible mission in the future.