The original statement of this plan


Image description“The drop-out students will become college students, college students will become students abroad, and students abroad will return to teach students,” said by Priest Huang, Ming-Zhen all the time while we visited him because it is one of his greatest wishes. 
While Priest Huang, Ming-Zhen first started his counseling in the prison, he found out that most of inmates committed crimes since they were still teenagers; therefore, besides founding Youth School, he also actively assists inmates in the jail and shares concerns to those victims’ families in hope of reconciling the savage state of the world through the power of religion.
Priest Huang, Ming-Zhen doesn’t think that those inmates are atrocious, including a person like Chen, Jin-Xin.  To him, they are a group of people who have never had the chance to experience love and success.  Therefore, he actively assists those inmates, even those with death penalty.  He thinks that as long as one is willing to repent, then he is obligated to help him.

Priest Huang, Ming-Zhen gives up no one forever, neither the inmates nor drop-out kids.  As long as any of them wants to repent sincerely, he will be there for them with patience and care.