Hong Xiaohui


Image descriptionIncident

According to Hong Xiaohui, she asked Xu Jiazhen to argue at the conference hall.  Besides fraudulent charges on her credit card, they argued over their mutual lover Zen Huantai.  Serious argument provoked Hong Xiaohui to slap on Xu Jiazhen and crash her head against the ground, which led to Xu Jiazhen intracranial bleeding and faint. 
In order to cover up her crime, Hong Xiaohui dragged fainted Xu Jiazhen along the stairs in the conference hall and hid her body next to the air-conditioner.  16 hours later, Hong Xiaohui destroyed the body by mixing aqua regia and left the condom that Zen Huantai had used with her next to it, attempting to set the murder scene as sexual abuse. 

Counseling Course

After Hong Xiaohui was sent to jail, teacher Pan from National Tsing Hua University called Minister Huang and asked him to counsel her in Xinzhu Detention Center if possible.  Minister Huang’s first impression on Hong Xiaohui was that she looked very sorrowful because she had murdered someone for her relationship.  He has seen her many times.  Afterwards, she was transferred to Taipei Detention Center, and Minister Huang kept counseling her there.  One day, she finally believed in Jesus Christ and got baptized. 

Hong Xiaohui had been to three or four prisons.  As long as Minister Huang and Sun Yue were available, they went to visit her.  Most of her time staying in jail, she did some service work for others.  There was only limited time to visit her because she had to serve others.  They went to the prison to visit her and do individual counseling.  Sun Yue and Minister Huang prayed together with her and encouraged her with words in the Bible.  Sun Yue wrote some encouraging words in her own Bible.  Social workers in Prison Fellowship also wrote to her and encouraged her with words in the Bible.  She had been in jail for 12 years.  They visited her when possible. 

Minister Huang also brought his wife to see Hong Xiaohui, read Bible with her and pray with her.  His wife could easily listen to her inner voice because they were both female. 


The strategy of Minister Huang’s counseling after Hong Xiaohui being released was continually caring about her.  She wished that she could make a living by translating books.  And they got her recent new that UDN publisher was going to publish the book she translated.  Therefore, Minister Huang believed that keeping caring about rehabilitated prisoners gave them the opportunities to reborn.  He thought that Hong Xiaohui would never commit the same crime again because she was just out of her mind and killed somebody else.  It really was a pity that she could have got her Master’s degree in one month.  However, her behavior was a huge mistake that could not be compensated in her life.  Minister Huang and his fellows taught her to be sincere, help others and do good things, at the same time, be grateful and treasure what she had.

Reflections on Prison Counseling

Hong Xiaohui had been a very excellent student since very little.  She had a warm family and her learning course was going smoothly.  Therefore, her ability to face frustration was not very good.  When she encountered the problem in the relationship, she chose to get what she wanted no matter what, even destroying others.  This competitive thought was horrible.  So Minister Huang thought, “Nowadays, young people cannot deal with failure.  They wish to win all the time.”  We should emphasize more on family education, training children more and letting them do more domestic chores, which make them think more for others.  Young generation should develop this spirit to think for others not just for personal benefit, which may lead to damaging others.