Counseling Practices in Zihciang Minimum-Security Prison


Image descriptionOn one raining afternoon, we took six children to Zihciang Minimum-Security Prison to see how Priest Huang conducted his counseling to the inmates.  While seeing one of inmates for the first time, all the children had their eyes widely open, showing an unbelievable expression on their faces. The inmate in front of them was a guy who looked so gentle and suave and he definitely didn’t look like a person who would commit any crime.
Priest Huang took out a pile of pamphlets containing words from the bible and preachers’ gospel from his handbag.  Priest Huang asked the inmate to take time to think about and appreciate those messages.
The inmate who was in front of us had committed robbery.  We could see the tension and doubts in those kids’ eyes because we often heard their whispers, saying:” hard to believe that he is a criminal.”  Therefore, they agreed with one saying; that is, we can’t judge people by their appearances and at the same time ignore their inner qualities just because how they look.
Listening to Priest Huang’s sermon to the inmate; he didn’t admonish him with a whole bunch of lectures and morals but interacted with him through words of Bible in a soft tone and love of God instead.  Priest Huang listened to not just the inmate’s words but also his heart and soul so they could talk with fervor and assurance. The inmate then had a list with things that he learned and he wanted to accomplish through the counseling process:
A. He will read one chapter of Proverbs everyday.
B. He wants to attend one of the theological schools of seminar
C. He will help others and he appreciates those who helped him before.
D. He will bear his family’s burden and work on managing the restaurant with them.
While Priest Huang heard the inmate’s confessions, he knew that he was touched by God so as to show his true feelings.  He reminded him not to be tempted by the world and make no more mistakes.  When you feel that your heart is disturbed, sit down immediately to pray and ask the Lord to give you a hand. Image description
Priest Huang also hopes that the inmate should not go astray and fall apart from God.  The inmate was sentenced for 13 years of prison and he had known God’s message for about 7 or 8 years.  He applied for parole but the request was turned down.  He felt very depressed at the time. Priest advised him that he should adjust his attitude and it may not be the time yet so he should never give up upon himself.
The inmate hopes that he can attend the theological school of seminar so he can return to preach to other inmates.  He now can see the mistakes which were never found before.  He wishes that he can repent and he can come back to help other inmates one day.
At last, Priest Huang said that God will always give people chances as long as one can repent sincerely and endure to the end, and then he shall be saved.  The greatest lesson he could teach himself was: be patient and never make the same mistake again.  After an-hour counseling, Priest Huang laid his hands on his head and prayed to the Lord.  The inmate prayed with him too.  We then concluded this journey of heart and soul’s reformation with the word of “a-men.”