birds crustacean  mammal  amphibian  reptile    fish   insect  


 Calling crab

Smooth backs, most have dark reticular marks. Both males and females can build chimney-like holes. They rest on the riverside or still water sands. They are the most seen crab in the Taiwan wetlands.



Ocypode stimpsoni

The male and the female show similar appearance. The baby has great protection as its color is similar to the sand. Adult crab becomes red. Their legs are very long; they have one large and one small claw. They live on sands; outside their cave are some lax sand. Their movements are fast and their main food is mictyris brevidactylus.



Ocypode ceratophthalma

Horn like protrusion above the eyes. Same color for both sexes. Their shell and feet are brownish with red. They have long legs and one large and one small claw, so they move very fast. They leave their caves for food hunting, when disturbed they go back to caves quickly. Except for the lax sand out of their caves, feces are found after digestion of the organic elements in the sand.


Uca lactea lactea

Wide forehead, rectangular body, smooth back. White body, however the color of their backs is changeable according to the environment. They are social animals resting at muddy land that contains more sand. Feces can be found outside their caves.


Philyra pisum de Haan

Fist like body with bulging back and brownish green shell. They usually rest on the shallow water wetland. The males and females are usually found mating. Females are found hatching their eggs all year round.



Soldier crab Round

Shaped body, with very bulging back shell. Their body in light blue color, and long slim legs in red. This type of crab is found in sandy beachfront. They revolve round quickly into the sand when they are disturbed. They move in a crowd, similar to soldiers, which is why they are also known as soldier crabs.


Macrophthalmus banzai 

Green body with lighter green claws and rectangular shell. Their claws are the same size. They love to reside in the shallows of the tidal flat. When they wave their claws together with their long eyestalks, it looks like they are saying, “long lives the king!”


  Uca borealis

Brown or grey back shells. The male crab has yellow or orange claws and abdomen, and the rest of the body is light purple. Their claws look like pliers. Small groups are formed, and go for food hunting in a distance. They are usually found in the upper low-water mark.


  Perisesarma bidens

Their eyes are found at the front edge of the upper shell. Square shells and legs are in dark brown; claws are equal in size. They move around the mangrove roots. Some of them will climb up to the tree, and they even mate on the branches. They are mostly seen on the outer edge of mangrove .



Helice formosensis

Their back shell, legs and abdomen are yellowish green. Square back shells with a visible H mark. Wide claws with long slim legs. They are carnivore, so their main food source is other kinds of crab. They like to take over the caves of other crabs. When in danger, instead of running away, they often raise their claws in attempt to frighten away their enemy. Mostly seen in the vegetations from March to May.


Helice wuana

Back claws and legs in grey with purple spots. Square back shells with light color abdomen and legs. They are always alert to the environmental changes. Mostly live in isolation. Carnivores. They are less in number and live in vegetation.



Wetland Research Team of She-Zi Elementary School