birds crustacean  mammal  amphibian  reptile    fish   insect  


Asian Common Toad

They have visible dark ring on top of the eyes and rough poisonous skin. They breed in spring and summer nights in manmade ponds like lotus pond or rice fields. Their eggs are black and they lay thousands of eggs at one time, in a long capsule.






Spotted Belly Brown Frog

They have reddish brown body with white abdomens, dark stripes on limbs and white lips. The male frogs have no call pouch . They mate mainly in winter, while the males call out softly to attract their mates. The female frogs lay 350-450 eggs at one go, their tadpoles are brown.


Spotted Belly Brown Frog
They are light brown in color with diamond shape spots on the sides of the tympanum. A light color stripe can be found in the center of their back. They breed mainly in spring and summer, and they lay 300-400 eggs that are black and white. The eggs cluster in layers and float on water. They live only in clear and quite water areas.




  Latocute's Frog,Brown Wood
They are medium sized frog that adapts to all kinds of environment. They are found in reservoirs, trenches, and even in cities. They breed all year long. In mating seasons, they call out in groups near water. Long and high-pitched calls then produced to attract their mates. Their eggs form chains and often twist on water plants.


Buergeria Japanicus
They are commonly found in the wetlands. The calls that they produce are real loud in comparison to their size. They live anywhere from flat lands up to lands that is 1000km in altitude. They live in groups, and you will find them at riversides or wetlands at night.


  Rana limmocharis
They are medium sized frogs that are of a length around 4-6cm. They are the most seen frogs in flat lands. They adapt to the environment quickly and easily. You can find them almost anywhere, as long as water and shelter are available. They are of different colors and patterns. Most of them are greenish grey, brown or dark grey, and they may come with visible reddish or green spots. Their mating seasons are from March till October. By then, they often produce high-pitched calls with changeable frequency.




Wetland Research Team of She-Zi Elementary School