🔎Local music~Nanguan and Beiguan

  Due to the early geographical immigration of inland migrants from the inland seas, traditional music such as Nanguan, Beiguan and operas flourished in Changhua County. Zhutang Township was close to the Zhuoshui River . Also, there have been such temple cultures. From the field surveys conducted by experts and scholars, our teachers found that the main local temple cultures in Zhutang Township in the early days are martial arts halls and Taiwanese opera. In its heyday, there were 7 opera troupes, 3 Beiguan troupes and 1 Beijing Opera troupe. But now all of them almost disappears. In temple fairs, most of them are mainly performed by puppet troupes invited from other regions. In the course of Tuku Aesthetic Makers, the musical art has been promoted for nearly 10 years. Therefore, the music of Nanguan and Beiguan is also included as part of our course of music appreciation.

  Nanguan is a style of Chinese classical music. Nanguan is an ensemble-based music among five people. The five intruments are clappers, pipa, the three-stringed lute, bamboo flute, two-stringed lute. Our school teacher invited the teachers of National Taiwan College of Performing Arts to lecture us, and let us actually operate these instruments and learn about Nanguan's scores.

   Beiguan music was passed on into inland in the 15th century, and passed on to Taiwan after the 17th century. Many tunes were classified under Beiguan music because they weren’t Hoklo or Hakka tunes. And the tunes also affected the performance of Taiwanese opera and puppet show. Our school invited Innahue Music Studio which came from Changhua County to teach us a series of lessons. The members of the troupe include the chief who had studied Beiguan music for a long time, a Chinese traditional music teacher, a jazz performer, a sitar performer and a balladeer. They combined the Eastern music with the Western music, hoping to pass on traditional music to the next generation like us. Also, we can show our creativity at the same time.