
Vision ¢@ DREAMS

Solar power is the main development project in recent years. The way to generate electricity is much easier than others. Solar panels receive the power from the sun, but we cannot use it immediately. Convertor has to convert the direct current into alternate current so that we can use it.

Watching film about ¡§DREAMS¡¨

Generally, solar power can be placed at anywhere as long as it gets the sunshine. For example, in Taiwan, solar panels are place at the factory, on the top of the house, or on unused places; even, floating on the reservoir. However, there is no power when the weather is not well, which causes intermittency electricity. When the clouds cover the sun, the support of the solar panel will decrease, and it gets back to original place when the sun appears again. This unpredictable element is the most problem that may affects the electricity quality.
In order to solve this problem, energy storage equipment is added so that it can adjust and control the electricity, but it is so expensive that not all the factories can afford the budget. Taiwan Power Company has import an equipment, ¡§ smart convertor charger¡¨ to solve the problem. It can automatically adjust the voltage when the voltage is getting high or low, so it can increase voltage stability, and it doesn¡¦t cost too much invest cost. With it, the system can adjust the power factor automatically, and keep the voltage from overload.

Explaining Solar Power and smart convertor charger

Taiwan Power Company imports a system ¡§Renewable Energy Advanced Management System (DREAMS), which can make the uses more various. When every Solar Power Plant has attached the smart converter charger, the staff can get the information from each solar power plant and they even can adjust the power immediately. If the problem appears, the staff can operate the smart convertor charger to make the voltage up or down. If the voltage decrease sharply and affects the whole electricity system, they also can allocate other power plants¡¦ electricity to support the loss to maintain the quality.

We used the knob of the operating model to control the intensity of the sun and observed the voltage change.

The solar power industry plans to expand the device capacity to 20 GW to increase the energy self-production rate. At that time, merging other web of the electricity will cause a problem that the voltage is unstable, so that DREAM system is definitely a solution to this problem. It makes the electricity stable, safety, and comprehensive. We can have the reliable electricity by developing the electricity management system and control center.



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