
Power Generation ¢@ Thermal Power Plant

Thermal power is the dominant power resource in Taiwan. It is to put coal, gasoline, or natural gas, etc. into a boiler in a power plant in order to generate electricity. There are twenty thermal power stations in Taiwan, with nine ones are private. According to the 2017 survey from Taiwan Power Company, Thermal power is the most important power resource among the other power. It showed the result that thermal power is 82.6% in the all power generation, the coal is 39.25%, natural gas is 38.6%, and the gasoline is 4.8% which are among of thermal power.

¡·Coal-fired Plant
oal is the most abundant fossil on the planet, though Taiwan is still lack of this natural resource. Most of it is now relying on the import from Indonesia and Australia. After the shipment to Taiwan, it is delivered to the coal-fired plant by railway and highway. As a result, most of the coal-fired plants are near the ports.

The chimney of Linkou Power Plant and the nearby port

It is also important to store the coal when they arrive in Taiwan. By building coal bin, the coal-fired plant can prevent the fly ash from drifting and keep coal dry. Also, it is necessary to evaluate the environment first before the plant is built, and the plant now includes some friendly-environment designs. For instance, both Linkou power plant and Dalin power plant have high-efficiency supercritical pressure coal-fire units to increase the efficiency of generation and reduce the emission.

Pros: High stability, low cost, and high-power generation.
Cons: Air pollution, global warming, melting ice, and rising sea levels.

¡·Gas-fired Plant
Natural gas is colorless, highly flammable gaseous hydrocarbon consisting primarily of methane and ethane. It is commonly occurring in association with crude oil. Because of lacking the natural gas resource, Taiwan must import overseas. The reefer ship transports the natural gas to the reception station of Taichung Port and then vaporize it into gas. After transporting to the gas distribution station by pipelines, the gas fired plant will then generate electricity. Now, there are five gas-fired plant in Taiwan.

Datan Power Plant

The control room of the Datan Power Plant

The gas-fired plants in Taiwan are combined cycle gas plants. There are two cycle when generating the electricity. The first cycle makes use of the hot exhaust gases which would otherwise be dispelled from the system. These exhaust gases are used to boil water into steam¡Xwhich can then spin another turbine and generate more electricity.

The diagram of the combined cycle unit in Datan Power Plant

The screen of the combined cycle unit in Datan Power Plant

Pros: Rapid power generation, high power dispatch flexibility, and stable power supply.
Cons: High cost, difficult transportation, and hard-to-get.

¡·Oil-fired Plant
Hsieh-ho Power Plant is the largest fully oil-fired power plant in Taiwan, and there are still some in the south of Taiwan. Heavy oil and diesel are the material to fired-power plant.
Especially, heavy oil is extracted from the petroleum. Middle East is the most import of petroleum for Taiwan, because Taiwan lacks of petroleum resource. At ShenAo and Taichung Port, there are harbors for tanker.

The oil-fired power plant in Green Island

On the west side of Keelung Port is Hesieh Ho fired-power plant, which is built by Taiwan Power Company in 1960s. There are four generators in the plant. It uses the same way generate electricity. In a steam turbine power plant, fuel is burned in a furnace and the hot gasses flow through a boiler. Water is converted into steam in the boiler, becoming the superheat and it is sent through controlling valves to a turbine.
This energy is transferred to the turbine blades which turn a generator. Now, each plant has the Electrostatic Precipitator to ionize the emission, adsorb it to the electrode, and make the emission meet the criteria.

Pros: High stability.
Cons: It is costly, rare, and limited.

Linkou Power Plant
On November 27, 2018, we took a bus from the school to visit Taipower Exhibit Center in Northern Taiwan, the Nuclear Power Plant, and Shimen Wind Power Station in the morning. In the afternoon, we went to the Linkou Power Plant. We did not know that there is the latest supercritical coal-fired unit until we searched all information about it. After arriving at the power plant, we went to Taipower presentation, asked some questions, and then finally visited the factory.

Listen to briefing of Linkou Power Plant

Asking questions

The highlight of briefing by Shih-Mao Li, who recorded the power plant as follows.
¡·Concepts of Electricity
1.Is Electricity Environmentally Friendly?
There is used to be a lot of coal trains using coal as fuel in Taiwan, but now, trains are all using electrics as power. People used to burn firewood to cook, but now, we use cooker to make cuisine. We use petrol car as a vehicle, but electric cars are even more and more popular. From these examples, we can suggest that electric is environment friendly. Furthermore, electric should be listed among three vital elements.

The train driving by electricity

High speed railway

2.Principle of Power Generation
When using a fan, we should connect the power with plug, then fans turn. The Principle of power generation is the opposite of the way using a fan. Coal, natural gas or petrol have to be burned and steamed to turn fans. By this kinetic energy, it will generate electric. Most power are from fire or nuclear in Taiwan; water power, wind power, and solar power are, however, cannot replace them because the renewable energy are still can¡¦t steadily generate power.
3.Cost of Power Generation
Can you image that it is cheaper to use electric than batteries? For example, 645 batteries equal to 1 kWh. If each battery costs 10 dollars, it will cost 6450 dollars to only 1 kWh, but you can spend only 2.3 dollars for only 1 kWh sold by Taiwan Power Company. If you want to ride a bike to generate electricity, you have to ride five hours 20 km/hour to generate only 1 kWh. That is the reason why we need power plants.

Hand drawing

1. Basic Information
The area of this plant is 53.26 hectares, including three 800 MW power plants which are high-efficiency supercritical pressure coal-fire units. It is now the dominant generation in Taiwan. The first plant and second plant can generate about 800 kWh per hour, which can supply Taipei 101 building lasted for 342 days. When three plants generate simultaneously, they can supply Taipei 101 building lasted for around 513 days. There is one problem that affects plants most. We are highly relying on the import of coal. Most of the fuel is transmitted from Australia or Indonesia.

Linkou Power Plant after reconstruction

2. Feature
Four features:
(1)High efficiency in high-efficiency supercritical pressure coal-fire units: the newest units is better than old ones.
(2)Advanced device to protect environment: There is a examining device to detect the ingredient of emission and also transfer the data to Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan.
(3)Closed coal storage system: When coal is shipped to the port, it will be delivered to the closed storage with ¡§closed tunnel¡¨ and transport by the boiler.
(4)Chimneys without smog: The environmental protection device is attached with the plant while constructing, so it can make less smog. By high quality coal, newest units and environmental protection device, the plant runs well to control the quality of emission. The database is also met the request of the environmental law.

3. Transformative Lily Power Plant
Lily used to be crowded around the mountain before the power plant was built. From then on, Lily began to disappear because of the environmental change or incidents. In recent years, staff accidentally found out there are some indigenous species lily around the plants, as a result, the workers and local residents stated a ¡§lily conservation.¡¨ They grew up the flowers first, and planted them around the power plant.
Not only conserve lily around the plant, but paint lily¡¦s colors and shapes as a decoration on the power plant. For example, purple and orange lines decorate the white power plant; thus, it looks like a lily. By these decorations, the power company wishes to transform image of industrial area into an environmental-friendly power plant.

¡·Power Plant Visit
After Mr. Kuo¡¦s presentation, he took us to visit the Linkou power plant and introduce the system and device on the way to the destination. We saw the number two power plant is working with steam arising from the boiler. Because of the reflection of light, it seems like black smog. Mr. Kuo explained that most people easily misunderstood that they expel the smog illegally.

Water vapor from the boiler discharge

We did not find black smoke in Linkou Power Plant

When we got into the control room, there are a lot of electronic devices around with low temperature. Most computers and monitors and watch the situation right away when the plants are working. Number 801 has two monitors; both of them looks gray and ugly, because they are set in the boiler. People cannot get in only if it stops working. From the gray color, the reason why it is gray because of the dust and fly ash. Without the special environmental device to clean it, the smog would be expelled with them.

The screen shows the power generation of the unit and the combustion status of the boiler.

We touched the glass of the control room, and felt the low temperature of the room.

All of the tables containing no.801 are all pollutant discharges. These values will be linked to the local environmental protection bureau 24 hours a day. The emission standard of Linkou Power Plant has reached the standard to Taiwan¡¦s gas-fired power plants. The emissions of Linkou Power Plant are only one-quarter to one-half of the environmental regulations. There are more than 150 billion devices which depend on many on-duty personnel to operate in Linkou Power Plant.

There are many people in the control room.

Mr. Kuo introduced the control room for us.

After we walked through the aisle into the power generation unit, we felt stifling hot even that was in the end of November. They must work so hard here in summer. There are many complicated and huge equipment in the unit in noisy surrounding. After we took the elevator to the top roof, we overlook all the plant around us, for instance,¡K¡K.

We walked through the passage to the power plant.

Mr. Kuo introduced the generator for us.

After we took the elevator to the top roof, we overlook all the plant around us, for instance, the colorful chimney, pylons, cabins, and so on. From this journey to the power plant, it is hard for us to image that there are more than four hundred people working here to generate electricity. We truly want to thank them to let us use the electricity so easily.

We saw the coal storage bins and
the chimney on the top of the building.

The coal storage bins

¡·Q and A
It is the interview record of Kuang-Yu Kuo, the head of Linkou Power Plant.
Q1¡G Comparing Linkou Thermal Power Plant and Taichung Thermal Power Plant, although they are all coal-fired units, what are the advantages of the ultra-supercritical units in Linkou Power Plant? Is it possible for Taichung Thermal Power Plant to retrofit a unit like Linkou Power Plant?
A1¡GUltra-supercritical units have higher power generation efficiency and emit less air pollutants. Compared to Linkou Power Plant and Taichung Power Plant, which are both Ferrari sports cars and domestic vehicles, even if the appearance and color are all changed, the engine is same old. The core components of the Taichung Power Plant have not been replaced, and it is impossible to compare with Linkou Power Plant.

Emissions from pollution control equipment

The coal storaged in closed bins

Q2¡GThe waste heat from natural gas power generation can be reused. Why can the waste heat of thermal power generation units not be reused?
A2¡GThe gas-fired power plant uses two stages of power generation. The first stage is to generate electricity from the combustion of compressed air and natural gas. The second stage is to use the waste heat of the first stage to heat the water, and use the state of the water to generate power. The coal-fired power plant is only in the second stage because the waste heat is absorbed by the water or evaporated in the air. It cannot be reused.
Q3¡GHow to deal with the heavy metal containing part of the ash generated in the exhaust gas emission process of the thermal power generation, so it doesn¡¦t harm the environment?
A3¡GLinkou Power Plant uses high-quality coal, which has low heavy metal content. It uses environmentally-friendly equipment to capture the ash in the exhaust gas. The ash is periodically tested by Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) before it is used in compliance with environmental standards.
Q4¡GThere are three types of fuel which are coal, natural gas, and oil in the thermal power plants. What is the difference in power generation between these three fuels? Why is it still based on coal and natural gas?
A4¡GThere is no difference in power generation principles. Coal, natural gas or fuel oil are all fuels for thermal power generation. The cost from high to low is oil, natural gas, and coal. All three fuels rely on imports. How to storage: coal can be stacked directly, natural gas needs high pressure storage, and fuel is flammable and must be stored carefully. Considering the cost and storage conditions, thermal power generation is currently dominated by coal and natural gas.

Complex pipelines in Linkou Power Plant

Newly built generator set in Linkou

Q5¡GWhere is coal from? Is there a difference in quality? Will there be a lack of source or unstable supply?
A5¡GThe main coal currently used is from Australia, Indonesia, Colombia, the United States and Russia. The quality is similar. The coal used for power generation includes bituminous coal, sub-bituminous coal, and low-ash and low-sulfur sub-bituminous coal. Their heat quality is reduced by travel in order. The use of coal with higher heat quality can reduce the coal required for power generation. Taiwan stipulates that coal-fired power plants should store coal for more than 30 days, and the company adopts multi-country purchasing strategies, so it can effectively reduce risks.
Q6¡GIs there any so-called ¡§clean coal¡¨ when coal-fired power generating? Doesn¡¦t it produce air pollution?
A6¡GThe so-called clean coal refers to the more environmentally friendly coal. Of course, every kind of coal will emit pollutants during the combustion process. Take Linkou Power Plant as an example. We use high-heat coal blending, which can effectively reduce the amount of coal used during power generation. The pollutants are fewer, and then processed by environmental protection equipment. The result of data discharged by the power plant is far below the national standard.
Q7¡GSome news pointed out that the Linkou Power Plant will emit heavy metal pollutants. The measured values are in line with domestic standards, but not with US standards. Does the power plant monitor the heavy metal emissions regularly? Where is the information everyone can see?
A7¡GAmerican standards are far below our national standards. At the beginning of the design, Linkou Power Plant was based on national standards. However, the United States has set this standard to be available after the design of Linkou Power Plant. In addition, there are no regulations in the national pollution regulations to regularly measure heavy metals, but the power plant will automatically test. On the official website of Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan, there is a system for querying the source of pollution sources, and the public can check the link (https://prtr.epa.gov.tw).

We can check pollutant discharge records on Taipower website

Q8¡GIn the process of construction and renewal of Linkou Power Plant, has it encountered opposition from near residents, how does Taipower respond to such a situation?
A8¡GBefore the start of the renewal and expansion project, Linkou Power Plant began to communicate with the residents. Many people are doubtful to it and they think that the pollutants will increase after power generation. We use a lot of data to explain and carry out environmental protection measures to reduce people's doubts. The environmental protection features of the power plants after the start of construction have also made the residents believe that new "Linkou Lily Power Plant" has achieved to be a good example of power plants.

The white-based factory building of Linkou Power Plant is originate from color and appearance of the lily.

Q9¡GHow long does it take to build a thermal power plant? How long can a thermal power plant last?
A9¡GIt takes more than ten years to build a power plant. The construction cost of the power plant is about 10 billion. The average operation time is about 35 to 40 years. In addition to considering the depreciation of various equipment, the long-term operation can also minimize the cost of electricity.
Q10¡GTaking Linkou Power Plant as an example, what is the biggest challenge for Taipower to implement the three major energy transformation policies of ¡§stable power supply, non-nuclear homeland and air pollution improvement¡¨? How to do?
A10¡GIn line with the government's energy policy, the biggest challenge Linkou Power Plant has to face is that coal-fired power generation comes under question, and the responsibility of air pollution is completely investigated in coal-fired power plants. Linkou Power Plant is one of the most advanced coal-fired power plants in the world, and its emission data is close to national emission standards, while the low cost of coal burning stabilizes electricity prices. Moreover, Linkou Power Plant can also support solar power. When solar photovoltaics cannot generate electricity in the evening, Linkou Power Plant can provide timely support to maintain electricity stability and get green energy¡¦s back.

¡·Take it easy. About ¡§Taipower popsicle¡¨
Q11¡GWhy does Taipower sell popsicles? Are the power plants making popsicles? Do they have different features? What is your favorite flavor? Why?
A11¡GEarly production of popsicles is for employees who are working in high temperature environments. The power plant usually makes ice by surplus electricity for employees to eat in rest time. Nowadays, in addition to the sale of popsicles for employees, and for the public as well. The proceeds from the sale are supplemented by employee welfare activities to achieve employee care. The peanut ice of Linkou Power Plant is the most popular because Linkou peanut ice with rich sweet peanuts, and you can also taste every piece of peanut crumbs!

Taipower¡¦s power plants sell different ice products.

The ice products are made from seasonal fruits.




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