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       After some discussions, we decided to investigate Youbike—the magical bicycle spread all over Taipei city.
      We will open the history of Youbike from the past to nowadays, and understand all the things about it, we will dig into it with the hard work.



      The things we need to investigate are the great idea of creating Youbike, the history, and the expectation. Besides, we will also inquire the law associated with Youbike, and see if there are any unreasonable or improvable regulations. And the reasons why public bicycle system is so popular are the things we need to know.



     On the other hand, we combine the investigation of the outer countries into our project; we make the attention on Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Berlin which have the similar concept of developing the public bicycle system. We send the email to the manager of the system, and ask them about the operation of their company in order to know more about them.


In brief, these are the purpose of our investigation


    1. Understand the concept of Youbike and the vision for the future.

    2. Research the evolution of Youbike.

    3. Discuss the law associated with Youbike

    4. Inquire into the reason why Youbike become a fashion

    5. Thoroughly understand the foreign public bicycle system, and examine the advantage and disadvantage on Youbike.