::Current Location:: >> Origin


       Everything started from our leader Yueh Ting, Hung (Buff), who is a website-making enthusiast. One day at lunch time, he gathered a group of classmates who are also fill with enthusiasm like he does. He then announced our start of making website after introducing our teacher to us.



      Most of us are interested in this aspect. Some participated in website competitions; some are professional program writers; some are good at writing; and the others are just depending on their enthusiasm. At the beginning, we were not sure a combination like this would succeed or not. Were ten people too many for this team? Can we insist on this project under any circumstances? Our teacher also thought about our team’s future. He always tells us that if anyone of us wanted to leave, just leave, don’t stay and block this team from moving on. Having the same goal, we will work hard together to achieve it, because this is the reason why we made this team.



     We are a team like this. Fighting!