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CyberFair 2016

  Campus Survey 
 Twelve Nights 
 Sources of stray dogs  EIA Environment of Shelter

On stray dogs in human populated community—causes and solutions

The main sources of stray dogs come from dogs wandering off or dogs abandoned by pet owners. Those dogs may stay and mate in communities that people live. In this fashion, the barking, feces, biting pose major threats to the community. Most of dogs do not want to be stray dogs. They end up like this mainly because pet owner think setting them free means letting them go. However, in the modern society, dogs living in a human populated area means death. Therefore, to prevent those tragedies from happening repeatedly, we propose some countermeasures.


First, neuter: the benefits of neutering stray dogs are as followed

▲Neuter  photos
Heart of Taiwan Animal Care (HOTAC)

1.  Reducing the barking or woofing because of mating season.

2.  Reducing the biological burden of female dogs.

3.  Cutting off breeding rates

4.  Enhancing the living condition of stray dogs.


Second, take them home:

Setting up a sound adoption system can rapidly find your dogs another owner if you can no long keep them. We should keep in mind that price, and breed should not be taken into consideration when adopting one. On the contrary, we should value human-dog connection, and loyalty, etc.


Third, microchip them:

Implanting a microchip in your pets can not prevent your dogs from going astray. However, it can help you find your dogs if they are captured and they can be returned to you because of the chips. Moreover, it can curb irresponsible discarding or abandoning pets because owners may think that the authorities may find out.


Allow us to quote two articles from Animal Protection Act

Article 6      One must not harass, abuse or injure any animal.

Article 7   An owner shall prevent his animal from infringing on the life, body, freedom, or property of others without due cause.

From the two Articles, we know Taiwanese people are getting more concerned about the welfares of stray dogs. So, let’s join together to save stray dogs.


Our viewpoints

For a long time, our government has resorted to mercy killing on stray dogs. Since the enactment of Animal Protection Act, most of stray dogs has been captured and killed in the pound. Most of stray animals come from those who cross breed one another; not from trading or abandoning; from people feeding stray animals in their community.

According to the Animal Protection Act, once someone continuously feed some stray animal, that person is liable for implanting a chip in it and should take care of it. However, this article of Animal Protection Act contradict itself in that if someone has to implant the stray animal which he/she feeds it out of sympathy, then people may stop doing so because they do not want to be forced to implant the animals.

Nevertheless, stray dogs without proper care and administration can pose huge threats to human community, such as noise problem, sanitaryproblem, and biting problems. We cannot blame the stray dogs for this because it is their nature, and their rights. They just end up in street where there is no protection, home, or care available to them. They may easily starve to death if not captured, or fall ill because of bad living condition. To improve the current situation, we must have a sound protection and care plan.

Last, we call for long time consideration from potential pet keepers. They should think seriously and in a long time vision, if they are to take a dog home to be their family. If they keep dogs as pets just because they look cute or adorable, then this kind of emotion is not enough for taking care of a family member. According to statistics, 90 percent of stray dogs in Taiwan are cross breed dogs. That means, if your passion for pet animals fade, you may easily abandon the animal. Therefore, we should learn from countries whose people treat dogs or cats as family members. In this way, we believe that the problem of stray dogs will be reducing.