link shelter

CyberFair 2016

  Campus Survey 
 Twelve Nights 
 Sources of stray dogs  EIA Environment of Shelter

Environmental Impact

¡¶Stray dogs find food in the garbage.

1.Problems caused by stray dogs
Public Hygiene:In order to survive in the streets, stray dogs may scavenge trash dump or garbage can for leftovers. In those places where there may be leftovers, stray dogs may gather and rummage those places. As dogs gather, feces occur, and cause hygiene problems.


2¡BNoise problem
Stray dogs may barf or bark during the night. In the cases, they can easily disturb the peace of neighborhood.


3 .Traffic accidents
Dogs are not trained to cross roads or streets when they come to one. Therefore, they can easily panic when they see vehicles rapidly passing by. They may be killed by cars or motorcycles or cause serious car accidents.


4 .Dogs may bite people
Some of stray dogs when provoked may attack people. They do this probablybecause they feel threatened or mistake some kids for their prey. In either case, the biting is a potential threat to human beings.  


5.Stray dogs may hunt or kill household animals or pets.

 ¡¶Stray dogs kept in crowded cages


6.Terrible shelter condition:
If stray dogs were taken in, some of shelters do not provide proper living condition. Those dogs may die of disease or hunger.  

No matter you have ever kept a dog or not, if you have, you should love it  as one of your family members, and give it love and warmth.  Do not make it a  stray dog  wandering in the street.



Our viewpoints:

We have read many articles about stray dogs, and thought our government is not active enough in dealing stray dogs problems. They did not correct the source of problems. They just use some ways like ¡§trap¡¨, ¡§neuter¡¨, or ¡§kill after 12days.¡¨

We have read a news story about stray dogs in New Delhi, India, where the government would train 26 million stray dogs to be guardian of people. The authorities in New Delhi said, the stray dogs if properly trained can help the police patrol the neighborhood, and they had trained 40 people to execute the plan. We thought it was a brilliant idea.

Moreover, there are many private shelters across Taiwan. We think our governmentcan either fund or subsidy them. In this way, the private shelters can neuter the stray dogs and feed them until someone adopt those dogs.