link shelter

CyberFair 2016

  Campus Survey 
 Twelve Nights 
 Sources of stray dogs  EIA Environment of Shelter

Most of stray dogs problems or issues occur beccause of irrepsonsibilites of humans as owners or people related. Then, people just blame dogs for stray dogs problmes. This does not do justice to dogs. Therefore, we provide a clip about stray dogs to show the importance and magnitutude of stray dog problems.

▲Video from the Council of Agriculture

We believe that owners should have environmentally friendly and morally good concepts about their dogs so as to address stray dog problems. Those concepts include having a pet certificate, responsibilities, and moderate breeding, etc.

As to current situations of stray dogs, we have strived for some measures as “Find a home for fur kids”, “TNA”, “TNR” and “You adopt; I keep.” As we know traping and killing stray dogs does not yield good results.