Be thankful

We have something to say

Thank you for the encouragement and support from our families and teachers in the last five months and Thank you for giving us this chance to take part in.

Thank you, each personnel in Hongdao Senior Citizen Welfare Fund for assisting us to arrange the matters of interview. We could not have the chance to review ever-young knights and get the review file of the executive chairman of Hongdao Senior Citizen Welfare Fund without your help. Meanwhile, thank you for providing us the chance to approach the aged. It overturns our impression to the aged, and we understand that Hongdao Senior Citizen Welfare Fund made contributions to the aged society in Taiwan.

Ever-young knight grandpas and grandmas, thank you for receiving the review of our students in senior one grade. Your each suggestion will be integrated in our hearts. Thank you very much for you to set a good example for the aged. We are proud of you! We will spread your spirit to each corner of the world.

Here we want to show thanks to those passed ever-young knights. Thank you for seeking for your dreams with a warm heart. You have been passed, but your heroic undertakings will leave in this world forever, which will deeply affect the heart of each senior citizen.

We want to show thanks to those teachers in Jingwen Senior High School, volunteers in service station of Nangang, and students of information department in Jingwen Senior High School who helped us............

I hope your will be happy everyday. 。



Thematic interviews, web pages and video making were all finished by the students independently. All information quoted by the website was all marked, and all of the rest information was students’ first-hand information.
Below was the overview of the information we cited.


弘道老人福利基金會-不老騎士. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2015, from

不老騎士-歐兜邁環台日記. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2015, from

Books -Retrieved January 20, 2015, from 《那些歲月帶不走的夢想與勇氣》

不老騎士遠征美國倡不老精神. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2015, from


證券分析師的義工之旅: 不老騎士觀後感 - yam天空部落. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2015, from


證券分析師的義工之旅: 不老騎士觀後感 - yam天空部落. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2015, from


勇者:旅程,就是人生〈不老騎士〉. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2015, from

Run your dream-Dreamers-Taipei Jingwen high school