Super Meatballs

2012 International Schools CyberFair¡@Super Meatballs from Taiwan

Group C

¡¹ Our Names :

¡@Wang Jian-jun, Wu De-Wei, Shi Bing-cheng,

¡@Yang Yao-bin, Lin Wei-xiang

¡¹ Our Tasks :

¡@Collecting information about Changhua Meatball

¡@Finishing the content of the project web

¡@Interviewing A-Chang Meatball Shop and the customers

¡@Making the project web

¡@¡@¡@¡¹ Our Reflections :

At first, we had problems when we formed the team. Everyone had different opinions about choosing their team members. Finally, we solved the problem by negotiating with each other. After we formed the team, we started to proceed our project. Besides, Mr. Jia taught us some simple CSS syntax so that we could build our project website. And when we needed to read and write English on the website, our homeroom teacher, Mr. Tsai, helped us a lot. He is an English teacher, and we realized the importance of mastering English. We discussed our topic, collected information, made our project website during the lunch break and on holidays. We did spend lots of our free time on this project, and we hope that we could win the prize.

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Taiwan Super Meatballs
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