• Once a self-sufficient community
  • Taiwan's economic export value accounts for the largest proportion
  • Departing from an abandoned railway
  • With the introduction of local people
  • Let's understand the history of Taiwan Sugar

Wu Chenwei Design Exhibition Experience

Next to the grass of the county park is a large stage with an orchestra auditioning for the upcoming opening ceremony. The main venue of the design exhibition is the early stage of the Taiwan sugar pulp factory. Due to the change of times, the busy factory has become a desolate ruin.When I got to the main exhibition, I saw the roller coaster with steel tube as the track and shopping cart as the vehicle on the promotional video. The first exhibition area is "pingdong", because pingdong is an agricultural county and city, the main feature of pingdong is to introduce pingdong's cocoa, coffee, bananas and other agricultural products. Then came ping 'an village, where there were cardboard dinosaurs and bluefin tuna. Around after the six exhibition areas, make I think the most interesting is "YA" in pingdong area, because he is a combination of pingtung all ethnic characteristics, and display the ethnic representative nature of things, and act the role ofing is tasted before each show will be a brand, it has bar code, can take the brand do you like the things to "register" sweep the bar code, and then he will run out of a story about you with your brand, and there will be where you can see and risk index is very interesting, because the design is more than just watch can also interact with it.