Entrance Project Sitemap Chinese



In addition to accommodation provided by the government, the villagers were also provided with food stamps, fuel stamps, flour stamps, coal stamps and even meat stamps, which varied according to different units. In the 1960s of the republic of China, all the food stamps were distributed in cash.

Five-day food stamp

One month's meter ticket

The previous 1000 yuan

subsidizing household expenses

Interviewee: Mr. Wang Wei-Zhong:
Mr. Wang said that the economic situation was not good in the early time , so every family will make the flour into food ; like noodles , steamed stuffed bun or other food, and then sell them in the market in order to raise their family.

Women ihe village were good at making food , and years went by , they opened new shop to sell their products.

Flavored biscuits

Freshly baked buns

Choose from three flavors

publication Order (New Taiwan Dollar) Straight NTD (New Taiwan Dollar) Horizontal NTD
1st Edition issued in 1949 issued between 1961~1968
2nd Edition issued in 1949 issued in 1970
3rd Edition issued in 1950 issued in 1972
4th Edition issued in 1954 issued in 1982

Development of Taiwan dollar

This kind of New Taiwan Dollar bill was issued in 2000. Before 2000, the money used in Taiwan was not the current style with sika deer and children. Now most people have never seen the previous paper money, which can be divided into:

old Dollar

(New Taiwan Dollar) Straight NTD