
Central authority

District Road Ordinance Section 9

The ground plane of the buildings on both sides of the urban road and the sidewalk without eaves shall be constructed in accordance with the urban road. The ground under the pedestrian arcade shall not be uneven with the adjacent ground plane. If the ground plane mentioned in the preceding paragraph has no designated elevation during construction or is not flush with the adjacent ground plane due to special topography, the municipality, county (city) urban road authority may, depending on the needs of urban development, designate a road section for budgeting, or may match the building. The owner, user or manager of the property shall jointly bear the project cost and rebuild it uniformly. If the ground level in Paragraph 1 is not conformed to the design standards of urban roads and ancillary works due to unauthorized reconstruction or causes obstruction, the municipal or county (city) urban road competent authority shall notify the owner, user or manager of the building to make self-improvement within two months.

Article 57 of the Architectural Technical Regulations, Architectural Design and Construction

For the designated arcades or sidewalks without eaves on both sides of the road, the width and structure shall be determined by the city, county (city) competent construction authority with reference to local conditions and in accordance with the following standards:

1. Width: From the boundary line of the road to the outer wall of the ground floor of the building, it shall not be less than 3.5 meters, but the building has special purposes or is connected to the original arcade or walkway without eaves, and its architectural design does not hinder the City and county (city) competent construction authorities may increase or decrease the width and announce it according to actual needs.

2. The ground of the arcade should be even with the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, it should be 10 cm to 20 cm higher than the road boundary. The surface pavement should be flat, and no steps or obstacles should be installed. One-half the effluent slope.

3. The height of the arcade shall not be less than three meters.

4. The front of the arcade column shall be set back more than 15 cm from the road boundary line, but the width of the arcade shall not be less than 2.50 meters.

Taipei City

Article 12 of Chapter 2 of the Urban Road Management Regulations of Taipei City

The arcades and sidewalks without eaves that are legally set up within the construction bases on both sides of the urban roads shall be managed and maintained by the building owners, users and managers, and there shall be no unauthorized enclosure, unevenness or slip resistance of the pavement. Insufficient, falling off, damage, etc. Its management and maintenance responsibilities are as follows:

1. The installation, maintenance and improvement of arcades or pavements shall be handled in accordance with Article 9 of the Urban Road Regulations, Article 57 of the Architectural Design and Construction Section of the Architectural Technical Regulations and other relevant regulations.

2. The maintenance items specified in Subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph and matters related to the unified restoration of the designated road sections in Subparagraph 2, Article 9 of the Urban Roads Ordinance may be implemented by public announcement. The provisions of this Article shall apply to arcades and pavements without eaves that existed prior to the promulgation and implementation of this act.

New Taipei City

New Taipei City Arcade and Unshaded Sidewalks Setting Standards

Article 1: The New Taipei City Government has formulated this standard for the installation of arcades and sidewalks without eaves in New Taipei City, in accordance with the provisions of Article 57 of the Architectural Design and Construction Section of the Architectural Technical Regulations.

Article 2: For the construction bases in the areas where the urban plan is implemented, arcades or pavements without eaves shall be set up according to the content of the urban plan. If the urban plan does not have the provision for setting up in the preceding paragraph, but the construction base meets the following conditions, it shall be set back 3.52 meters from the road boundary line:

1. The planned road width is more than 10 meters in residential areas, 7 meters or more in commercial areas, and 7 meters or more in market land.

2. Land for public facilities other than market land.

Article 3: Arcades or pavements without eaves set up in accordance with this standard shall meet the following requirements:

1. The width of the arcade shall not be less than 2.5 meters, and no obstacles shall be set up. The arcade pillar is set back fifteen centimeters from the road boundary line.

2. The width of the sidewalk without eaves shall not be less than two meters, and no obstacles shall be set up.

3. The contact surface of the ground should be smooth and level with the sidewalk adjacent to the building base; if there is no connecting sidewalk, it should be 10 cm to 20 cm higher than the boundary of the road, and a slope of 1/40 should be made towards the boundary of the road.

4. The pavement should be covered with anti-slip materials with an anti-slip coefficient of more than 0.55 (wearing shoes C.S.R).

Article 4: When the construction base cannot be set up with arcades or sidewalks without eaves due to special circumstances in accordance with the standards stipulated in the preceding two articles, the standards may be relaxed upon approval by the competent construction authority.

Taoyuan City

Taoyuan City Construction Management Autonomous Regulations Chapter 4 Building Sites and Architectural Designs Article 23

The arcades, sidewalks without eaves and retreating grounds left by the base in accordance with the law shall have the same ground level as the adjacent grounds and sidewalks, and shall be paved with non-slip pavement. However, the base or the adjacent areas are not subject to this limitation due to the special topography of the base and the government has determined that it cannot be handled smoothly. The height of the arcades in the preceding paragraph shall not be less than three meters.

Article 27 of Taoyuan City Urban Road Management Rules

Arcades and pavements without eaves left by buildings on both sides of urban roads shall be managed and maintained by the owners, users or managers of the buildings, and shall not be blocked without authorization or not flush with the adjacent ground planes. The pavement with insufficient slip resistance, falling off shall not be allowed.

Taichung City

Taichung City Arcade and Unshaded Sidewalk Setting Standards

Article 4 The arrangement of arcades and sidewalks without eaves is as follows:

1. The width of arcades and sidewalks without eaves shall be more than four meters from the boundary line of the road to the outer wall (column) surface of the ground floor of the building.

2. If the arcade has a column, the front of the column should be set back 50 cm from the road boundary line, and its width for passage shall not be less than 2.5 meters.

3. The height of the arcade should be more than 3.5 meters from the surface of the public drainage ditch or the sidewalk to the lower end of the front eaves truss (overhanging) beam.

4. The floor surface of arcades and sidewalks without eaves should be flush with the sidewalks. If there are no sidewalks, it should be ten centimeters higher than the surface of the public drainage ditch, and make a 1/40th drainage slope to the road boundary line. However, the terrain of the base is special, and with the approval of the Metropolitan Development Bureau, the slope of the water discharge may be reduced within 20 cm of the height difference. When there are private ditches, dark ditches should be built and connected to public drainage ditches.

5. Each base can be set up with a ramp of more than 90 cm in width within the range of 150 cm setback from the building line, for those with limited mobility.

6. The floor of the arcade and the sidewalk without eaves should be non-slip, and the surface should be smooth.

Article 5 The area occupied by the arcades stipulated in the urban plan is not included in the base area and building area.

Article 6 The truncated corner of the arcade shall be relinquished in accordance with the standards stipulated in Paragraph 6 of Article 23 of the Taichung City Construction Management Autonomy Regulations. However, if there are other provisions for truncation of corners in urban planning books, such provisions shall prevail.

Tainan City

Tainan City Arcade Setting Standards

Article 4 The width of the arcade ground shall comply with the provisions of the following subparagraphs:

1. The width of the road in the Central and Western District and other administrative areas is less than 14.5 meters, and 3.5 meters is reserved; the width of the road is more than 14.5 meters and less than 20 meters, and 3.75 meters is reserved; The width of the road is more than 20 meters, leaving 4.25 meters.

2. The road width in Yongkang District and other administrative areas is less than 15 meters, and 3.5 meters is reserved; the road width is more than 15 meters, and 4 meters are reserved. For public facility land in the Central and Western Districts and other administrative districts in the first paragraph of the preceding paragraph that are not planned roads and market land, sidewalks without eaves shall be set up on the side of the adjacent planned roads in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, and appropriate greening shall be planted. The clear width of the sidewalks shall not be less than two Point five meters. In the industrial areas of Yongkang District and other administrative areas, walkways with no eaves are set aside three meters from the construction line. The length of the truncated corner at the intersection of the roads in Paragraph 1 shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of this Autonomy Act, and the width of the arcade ground at the truncated corner shall be reserved in accordance with the regulations of wider roads.

Article 5 The distance from the front of the arcade column back from the road boundary line is 25 cm in the Central and Western District and other administrative regions, and 50 cm in the Yongkang District and other administrative regions; the standard of the net width and height of the arcade shall not be less than 2.5 meters and three meters.

Article 6 For those who set up arcades or sidewalks without eaves according to Paragraph 1 of Article 3, the ground shall be flush with the sidewalks, and those without sidewalks shall be 10 cm to 20 cm higher than the road boundary. Except for those approved by the government, it should be flush with the contact surface of the adjacent ground, no steps or any obstructions sufficient to affect the view of the arcade should be set up, and a 1/40th water discharge slope should be made towards the direction of the road.

Article 7 The ground surface of the arcade should be properly paved with anti-skid materials.

Kaohsiung City

Article 20 of the Kaohsiung City Construction Management Autonomy Regulations

The structures of statutory arcades and retracted arcades are as follows:

1. There should be drainage with a slope of 10 cm in height.

2. The edge of the curb needs to be on the same ground level should be flush with the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk on the outer edge of the curb, it should be 10 to 20 cm higher than the road boundary, except for those approved by the authorities concerned due to topographical reasons.

3. The height from the outer edge of the arcade floor to the bottom of the front door lintel should not be lower than 3.5 meters.

4. The front part of the column of the arcade should be set 30 cm back from the road boundary, except for decoration purposes.