It is based on ‘fast clapper talks,’ combined with the content and descriptive techniques of ‘Shandong fast storytelling.’ It is mainly used to emphasize the topic’s story-like nature.
|Three-piece clapper|
|Seven-piece clapper|
Clapper Talks
It is derived from storytelling with clappers and fast clapper talks and combined with the essence of Shandong fast storytelling. Performers use clappers to control the tempo while telling a story. Changes of tempo occur fast and frequently, and performers must stay in character throughout the performance. It is a form of performing art with a high degree of complexity.
How to use the clappers
Squeeze, hit, strike, scrap, base point, train point, and horseshoe point are different ways of using the clappers.When incorporated with singing, clappers can accompany by rapid beat and fast singing, rapid beat and slow singing, slow beat and fast singing, or slow beat and slow singing.
【Three-piece clapper】: It is consisted of a two-piece clapper set (called Yu-Zi) plus a single strike board (called Ji-Ban). Yu-Zi is held in the left hand, and it operated by opening and closing the palm. Ji-Ban is held in the right hand, and it is operated by moving the wrist. When clapping, the left hand controls the rhythm, while the right hand amplifies the beat.
【Clapper point】: It is the most basic rhythm of the clapper. It can be used widely to accompany different performances.
【Da-Guo-Men】:It is the prelude before the singing commences. It is also called the ‘Opening clappers.’
【Guo-Men】: It is the interlude.
Da: Strike two short pieces (Yu Zi) against each other
Di: Use the longer piece to hit the two shorter pieces (Yu Zi)
Kon: Do both ‘Da’ and ‘Di’ simultaneously
|Da Di|Kon|Da Di|Kon|
|Da Di Di|Da Di|Da Di|Kon Di Di|
|Da Di|DaDi|Kon Di|Kon|
Source: TQT ,Teacher: Tony | Organized by: Jessica
Shuo-Chang for you
Clapper talks by: (starting from left) Howard, Carol, and Cathy | Edited by: Howard and Cathy | Proofread by: Tony
Clapper talks
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We’re gonna hit the clappers.
Would you please stay and linger.
Clapper talks is amazing.
Fast tempo with jokes that you can’t stop laughing.
We got clamping, hitting, striking, and scrapping in our repertoire.
We can talk fast or slow when the beat is rapid. It’s fun indeed!
We can talk fast or slow when the beat is slow. It’s not too bad!
Clapper talks sure is accommodating.
Just three bamboo pieces you got a show starting.
Our ancestors’ wisdom is beyond comprehension.
Let our story begin with this felicitation.
Learning Tips (Reminders from student Shuo-Chang expert teachers)
Performing techniques:
Strike the clappers on the beat
Your voice must be louder than the clappers to make it audible to the audience
Do not remain stationary in one spot, move around to make the performance more entertaining
Do not overly exaggerate your arms while clapping, make sure it is noticeable to the audience
Practice makes perfect, work on your routine, memorize the script
Make your performance fun and entertaining
Tips on writing the script:
Words must be able to follow beats
Rhyming is not absolutely essential, but it would be nice to have rhyming words
Make your script sometimes fast, sometimes slow, or you could blend it with a cross talks session
Believe in your ideas and originality
Learning logs
Understanding the art of Shuo-Chang
2. Introduction on clapper talks and the use of three-piece clapper (Explained by: Da Di Kon)
1. Teaching of congratulatory speech lines one to four + clappers
Checking of ‘Da Guo Men’
1. Checking of congratulatory speech lines one to four
eaching of congratulatory speech lines five until the end by the teacher
3. Introduction on doggerel, writing a segment on market peddling doggerel
1. Practice clapping and recording congratulatory speech
2. Complete segment on market peddling doggerel
Writing clapper talks script for MRT flash mob
1. Continue writing clapper talks script for MRT flash mob
Draw rough draft of poster for market peddling (passed)
Draw poster for market peddling
Practice script for market peddling and rectify intonation
Correction of intonation by the teacher
Examination of poster by student Shuo-Chang expert teacher
1. Teaching of clapper talks
2. Practice market peddling doggerel, rectify intonation
Teaching of clapper talks
Tongue twister
1. storytelling with clappers
Group performance rehearsal
Cross talks
Group performance rehearsal
Tony is really a great teacher. Even though we kept on making mistakes, he still taught us diligently. We made Tony laugh and angry at the same time, and we made fools out of ourselves all the time. Nevertheless, it was fun attending his class. Whenever we did something correctly or well, Tony would never hesitate to praise us. With Tony’s help, we were able to learn the art of Shuo-Chang and perform it on stage. Thank you, Mr. Deng!
I’d like to thank my teacher for teaching me so much about the art of Shuo-Chang. Even though we focused on clapper talks, you have taught us much more in the span of two months. Without you, I would not have understood what the art of Shuo-Chang is all about.
Text: Cathy and Howard of the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse