To understand how much our school's faculty, students, and parents know about
stray dogs, we consulted some related questionnaires on the net, devised them
and developed our own. we will compare and discuss the results between inside
the campus and outside the campus. The questionnaire is as below:
A Campus Survey about
Caring about Stray dogs(cats) in YangMing Junior High School
Dear teachers and classmates, we formed a team to
compete in 2016 Taiwan School Cyberfair. Our topic is "Give me a
house." After being the volunteers in the stray dog shelter, we found that
many people know little about the problems of stray dogs. As students, we
wanted investigate people inside the campus. The results are shown on the
website of 2016 Taiwan School Cyberfair.
Thanks for your answers.
"TheWar between Dogs and Cats" Advisor: Huang,Xian-Ren
1.Do you have theexperience of keeping dogs or cats?
□yes □no
2.Do stray dogs trouble your lives?
□strongly □ much □moderately □no □others
3.The main reason(s) tocause the problem of stray dogs is(are)? (multiple selection)
□ keeper's abandoning □over breeding □not carrying out birth control □ not catching effectively □others
4.Can Catching solve the problem of stray dogs?
□absolutely not □probably not □probably □sure
□I don't know
5.Are you satisfiedwith the efficiency of our government's dealing with stray dogs?
□very unsatisfied □unsatisfied □satisfied
□very satisfied
6.Do we need to arrange"Animal Protection Act" to deal with stay dogs?
□Absolutely Yes □Yes, we need. □No, we don’t.
□Never □ I don't know.
Background of
gender:□male □female
age:□13(seventh grader) □14(eighth grader)
□15(ninth grader) □20-29 □30-39 □40-49 □>50
□administrators □parents □guide teacher
□specially appointed teacher □student
faculty numbers of YangMIng Junior High School are as follow: administrators:
50 ; guide teacher: 76 ; specially appointed teacher: 85 ; students: 2200
numbers of questionnaires are as follow: administrators:10 ;
guide teacher:25 specially appointed teacher:20 ; parents:25 ; students:120 ; Percentage: 3~5%
Mr. Huang. He taught us many skills to get more effective questionnaires.