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Home ››› Dormer’s Trip ››› Lukang Sugarcane Train


Lukang Sugarcane Train

        Lukang Train Station also called Taiwan Sugar Station had existed since the Japanese Colonial period. The people of Lukang called it the sugarcane train. During the early years this Taiwan Sugar industrial railway not only was responsible for the transporting of sugarcane but also under the obligation of transporting people and cargos. In fact, it made a huge contribution to the local economy.


Abo Photo taken infront of Lukang Train Station


[About sugarcane train]
        The sugarcane rail not only delivered sugarcane, it also provided the service of transporting people and cargo. It is located behind the present Changhua Train Station. Visitors may purchase tickets and ride the train to Lukang. In the past there were two exclusive railway used by the sugar factory; one went to Changhua City and the other went to Sihu Sugar Refinery in Sihu Township.
        During the Japanese Colonial period, the two sugarcane railways belonged to different sugar making alliances. Therefore, they each have their own train station. However, after Taiwan’s restoration the Taiwan Sugar Corp. took control of the two rails. The Lukang Station we now see is not the original sugarcane station. The old stations were demolished along with the demise of the sugar industry. The sugarcane rail in Lukang, Changhua County was demolished because a 60,000 NTD per ping workers housing was being built near the present Datiecu area in Lukang. Nevertheless, it’s easy to imagine Lukang’s past glamour with its own port and railway.

A train that had walked the splendor of the past A smile on the face and a heart full of turmoil
