
March 12th is the day when Yang Kui passed away. Today is the 30th anniversary of Yang Kui’s death. On March 8th, Department of Cultural Affairs and Tunghai University held a activity called “Yang Qui 30th Anniversary Memorial Activity” at Tunghai University. They invited representatives from many schools.


We invited singers to perform “Goose mom is getting married” written by Yang Kui at the opening ceremony. Deputy Mayor Pan Wun Jhong, Yang Jian, and principle of Tunghai University’s all made a speech on the stage and shared the story of Yang Kui and Tunghai. After the speech, the students of our school and the students of Stella Matutina Girls’ Senior High school read “Silly Man Moved Mountains” on the stage. It expressed the equality and affection between people.

The main content of this activity is planting roses. The principle of Tunghai University Tang Ming Jue led us to plant roses. it signified the spirit of Strong Rose.

We could see the photo of Yang Kui running on the track of Tunghai University. Fortunately, the activity site is beside the track. This made us imagine Yang kui still running on the track toward us. And we will surely inherit his spirit to make our homeland a better one!