Visiting Yang Chen

Our first visit to Yang Chen

We went to visit Yang Kui's son, Yang Chen, with our schoolmates, Yo An. He was going to film a video about Tunghai garden and Yang Kui.

Yang Chen and his family are all friendly to us. There are a huge collection of if Yang Kui's works on the bookshelf in the living room. We required to go in to Yang Chen's study room for filming. Before we really entered his study, we could see a poster of Yang Kui relic exhibition. It is well preserved.

There is only some simple decorations, simple pens and ink, and bookshelves and Yang Kui's books.

Yang Chen said that he was always in this study reading or writing calligraphy. When we visited Yang Kui's memorial hall in Tainan, we saw a calligraphy work of Yang Chen inside.

After we finished filming, Yang Chen friendly gave us some bookmarks as presents. They are very special bookmarks, because there are Yang Kui's poems written on it .



Our second visit

We visited Yang Chen the second time with three students from Stella Girl High School, who recommended to plant roses in Tunghai Garden in memory to Yang Kui.

Then we went to Tunghei University to check the site where we could host our press conference to make public our petition result. And finally we decided to choose March 8 as the day.

After our second visit, Yang Chen again gave each of us a gift. He took some pens out of a box. We were all moved by his enthusiasm. Whenever we use those pens, we can feel our sense of missionary burning deep in our heart. We have to and we will do our best to fight for Yang Gui Literature commemorative museum.